International Journal of Mental Health Promotion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Acute Effects of Aerobic Dance Exercise with and without Face Mask Use on Attention, Perceived Exertion and Mood States2021/01/01English
Rethink Left-Behind Experience: New Categories and Its Relationship with Aggression2021/01/01English
Protective Factors for Loneliness among Adolescents during COVID-19: Role of the Interpersonal Relationships and Sibling Status2021/01/01English
Introduction to the Special Issue Psychological Assistance for Public during the Pandemic of COVID-192020/01/01English
Cogitation on the Mental Health Service System during the COVID-19 Outbreak in China2020/01/01English
Stress Coping of Chinese International Students in Face of COVID 19 Pandemic: Cultural Characteristics2020/01/01English
The Impact of COVID-19 on Spanish Health Professionals: A Description of Physical and Psychological Effects2020/01/01English
Specifics and Operational Procedures of the Psychological Assistance Hotline during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China2020/01/01English
Installing an Innovative Helpline at the Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic of the Sigmund-Freud-Privat University in Vienna during the COVID-19-Crisis2020/01/01English
Mental Status and Psychological Needs of Chinese Police Officers in a Highly Impacted City during the COVID-19 Pandemic2020/01/01English
Factors Associated with Quality of Life of Psychiatric Outpatients with Chronic Pain in South Korea2020/01/01English
Why Insisting in Being Volunteers? A Practical Case Study Exploring from Both Rational and Emotional Perspectives2022/01/01English
Closing the Gap: Characterizing Key Factors Leading to the Disparity in Suicide Rates along the Urban-Rural Continuum2022/01/01English
Influence of Blocking-Stressors on Post-90s Employees’ Occupational Mobility: The Chain Mediating Effect of Psychological Contracts and Negative Emotion2022/01/01English
Formal Volunteering and Mental Health in South Korea: Does Age Matter?2021/01/01English
Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence, Core Self-Evaluations, and Psychological Adaptation of Chinese Adolescents2021/01/01English
Mindfulness Associates Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Internal Control and the Presence of Meaning in Life2021/01/01English
Self-Efficacy Triggers Psychological Appraisal Mechanism for Mindset Shift2021/01/01English
Loneliness in Older Chilean People: Importance of Family Dysfunction and Depression2021/01/01English
Professional Ethical Concerns and Recommendations on Psychological Interventions during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China2021/01/01English
Association of Physical Activity, Screen Time and Sleep with Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents2021/01/01English
Voice More and Be Happier: How Employee Voice Influences Psychological Well-Being in the Workplace2021/01/01English
Experimental Study on the Influence of Cognition and Emotion on Moral Judgment of College Students in Dilemma Situation2023/01/01English
Group Psychological Intervention for Children with Hyperactivity Disorder2023/01/01English
Stressors and Coping Strategies of Medical Staff in the COVID-19 Pandemic in Wuhan2021/01/01English
Psychological Capital Status of Left-Behind Rural Children in China and Its Relationship with Mental Health2021/01/01English
Generalized Anxiety and Major Depressive Symptoms of General Public in South Korea during the Early COVID-19 Pandemic2021/01/01English
Effectiveness of Mind-Body Exercise on Burnout and Stress in Female Undergraduate Students2021/01/01English
Development of Mental Health Literacy Scale for Depression Affecting the Help-Seeking Process in Health Professional Students2021/01/01English
Determinants of Positive Mental Health in Adolescents–A Cross-Sectional Study on Relationships between Positive Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Character Strengths and Social Inclusion2021/01/01English