Tourism Management Perspectives

Title Publication Date Language Citations
What do we know about social media in tourism? A review2014/04/01English454
Reviving tourism industry post-COVID-19: A resilience-based framework2021/01/01English326
Cultural tourism: An analysis of engagement, cultural contact, memorable tourism experience and destination loyalty2018/04/01English281
Impacts of COVID-19 on global tourism industry: A cross-regional comparison2020/10/01English223
The dynamics of travel avoidance: The case of Ebola in the U.S.2016/10/01English216
Tourism and economic growth: A review of empirical literature2013/10/01English207
Sustainable tourism: Sustaining tourism or something more?2018/01/01English204
Tourist information search and destination choice in a digital age2012/01/01English187
Resident's attitudes towards the impacts of tourism2015/01/01English183
Tourism and corporate social responsibility: A critical review and research agenda2013/04/01English180
Halal tourism: Concepts, practises, challenges and future2016/07/01English176
The impact of tourism developments on CO2 emissions: An advanced panel data estimation2020/01/01English174
Determinants of tourist expenditure: A review of microeconometric models2013/04/01English174
Ecotourism: A panacea or a predicament?2015/04/01English169
A revised framework of social exchange theory to investigate the factors influencing residents' perceptions2015/10/01English166
Predicting tourists' health risk preventative behaviour and travelling satisfaction in Tibet: Combining the theory of planned behaviour and health belief model2020/01/01English146
Understanding and managing the rural tourism experience — The case of a historical village in Portugal2012/10/01English132
Tourism networks unravelled; a review of the literature on networks in tourism management studies2015/07/01English128
A review of tourism and climate change as an evolving knowledge domain2013/04/01English125
Halal tourism, is it really Halal?2016/07/01English123
The nature and management of geotourism: A case study of two established iconic geotourism destinations2012/04/01English122
Airbnb: Exciting innovation or passing fad?2016/10/01English121
Tourism as an important impetus to promoting economic growth: A critical review2018/04/01English121
Customer incivility and employees' outcomes in the hotel: Testing the mediating role of emotional exhaustion2019/01/01English115
Identifying core indicators of sustainable tourism: A path forward?2017/10/01English114
New technologies in tourism: From multi-disciplinary to anti-disciplinary advances and trajectories2018/01/01English109
Symbiotic relationship or not? Understanding resilience and crisis management in tourism2018/01/01English109
Covid-19 and tourism vulnerability2021/04/01English108
Sustainability communication in tourism – A literature review2018/07/01English108
Tourist behaviour towards self-service hotel technology adoption: Trust and subjective norm as key antecedents2015/10/01English107