Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Delocalized nonlinear vibrational modes and discrete breathers in a body centered cubic latticeEnglish
Numerical analysis of age-structured HIV model with general transmission mechanismEnglish
Optimal long time error estimates of a second-order decoupled finite element method for the Stokes–Darcy problemEnglish
Finite-time stability of Caputo fractional fuzzy differential equations with delay in granular senseEnglish
A second order dynamical system method for solving a maximally comonotone inclusion problemEnglish
Higher-order composition of short- and long-period effects for satellite analytical ephemeris computation2024/04/01English
A priori error estimates of VSBDF2 schemes for solving parabolic distributed optimal control problems2024/04/01English
Nonlinear dynamics of contact interaction porous size-dependent Euler-Bernoulli beams resonators with clearance: Numerical analysis of the stability problem2024/04/01English
Approximate weak optimality conditions in multiobjective generalized Nash equilibrium problems2024/04/01English
A linearized L2-1σ Galerkin FEM for Kirchhoff type quasilinear subdiffusion equation with memoryEnglish
The bifurcation structure within robust chaos for two-dimensional piecewise-linear mapsEnglish
Mitigation of numerical issues appearing in transient analyses when applying fractional derivative approximationsEnglish
Combination resonance of a moving ferromagnetic thin plate under double alternating line loads in a transverse constant magnetic fieldEnglish
Double inertial Forward–Backward–Forward method with adaptive step-size for variational inequalities with quasi-monotonicity2024/05/01English
Point- and contact-symmetry pseudogroups of dispersionless Nizhnik equation2024/05/01English
Editorial Board2024/04/01English
Dynamics of a delayed discrete size-structured chemostat with periodic nutrient supply2024/05/01English
Almost sure exponential stabilization of impulsive Markov switching systems via discrete-time stochastic feedback control2024/05/01English
A novel estimation method for microstructural evolution based on data assimilation and phase field crystal model2023/12/01English
Complex patterns in a space–time discrete mathematical model of antibiotic resistance in hospitals with self-diffusion2023/12/01English
An efficient HLL-based scheme for capturing contact-discontinuity in scalar transport by shallow water flow2023/12/01English
Generalized projective control for leader-following multi-agent systems with predefined-time2023/12/01English
Granular vortex ring formed by penetration into loose granular medium: Structure identification2023/12/01English
Approximation of distribution-independent and distribution-dependent stochastic differential equations with singular drifts2023/12/01English
Some existence results for critical nonlocal Choquard equation on the Heisenberg group2023/12/01English
Statistical solutions and Kolmogorov entropy for the lattice long-wave–short-wave resonance equations in weighted space2023/12/01English
The damped vibrating string equation on the positive half-line2023/11/01English
Observer normal form design for the nonlinear MIMO systems using coupled auxiliary dynamics2023/11/01English
Convergence of the Cimmino algorithm for common fixed point problems with a countable family of operators2023/12/01English
Direct and inverse problems for a 2D heat equation with a Dirichlet–Neumann–Wentzell boundary condition2023/12/01English