SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Canards, Clusters, and Synchronization in a Weakly Coupled Interneuron Model2009/01/01English48
Computing Slow Manifolds of Saddle Type2009/01/01English48
The Stability of a Stripe for the Gierer--Meinhardt Model and the Effect of Saturation2006/01/01English48
Dynamics of Stochastically Blinking Systems. Part II: Asymptotic Properties2013/01/01English47
When Shil'nikov Meets Hopf in Excitable Systems2007/01/01English47
A Geometric Model for Mixed-Mode Oscillations in a Chemical System2011/01/01English47
The Slow Dynamics of Two-Spike Solutions for the Gray--Scott and Gierer--Meinhardt Systems: Competition and Oscillatory Instabilities2005/01/01English47
Motion Planning for an Articulated Body in a Perfect Planar Fluid2006/01/01English46
A Multiple Time Scale Approach to the Stability of External Cavity Modes in the Lang–Kobayashi System Using the Limit of Large Delay2010/01/01English46
On Computing the Critical Coupling Coefficient for the Kuramoto Model on a Complete Bipartite Graph2009/01/01English46
Bifurcations in Delay Differential Equations and Applications to Tumor and Immune System Interaction Models2013/01/01English46
Poisson--Nernst--Planck Systems for Ion Flow with a Local Hard-Sphere Potential for Ion Size Effects2013/01/01English46
Local/Global Analysis of the Stationary Solutions of Some Neural Field Equations2010/01/01English45
Front Propagation in Stochastic Neural Fields2012/01/01English45
An Analytical Approach to Codimension-2 Sliding Bifurcations in the Dry-Friction Oscillator2010/01/01English45
Existence and Stability of Standing Pulses in Neural Networks: I. Existence2005/01/01English45
Tippe Top Inversion as a Dissipation-Induced Instability2004/01/01English45
Canard-Like Explosion of Limit Cycles in Two-Dimensional Piecewise-Linear Models of FitzHugh–Nagumo Type2012/01/01English45
Traveling Pulses and Wave Propagation Failure in Inhomogeneous Neural Media2008/01/01English44
Continuation-based Computation of Global Isochrons2010/01/01English44
Mechanisms for Frequency Control in Neuronal Competition Models2008/01/01English44
Multiple Geometric Viewpoints of Mixed Mode Dynamics Associated with Pseudo-plateau Bursting2013/01/01English44
A Minimal Model of a Central Pattern Generator and Motoneurons for Insect Locomotion2004/01/01English44
A Fast Method for Approximating Invariant Manifolds2004/01/01English44
Spiking Dynamics of Bidimensional Integrate-and-Fire Neurons2009/01/01English43
Minimal Models of Bursting Neurons: How Multiple Currents, Conductances, and Timescales Affect Bifurcation Diagrams2004/01/01English43
Rigorous Numerics for Global Dynamics: A Study of the Swift--Hohenberg Equation2005/01/01English43
Neimark–Sacker Bifurcations in Planar, Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Maps2008/01/01English43
The Melnikov Method and Subharmonic Orbits in a Piecewise-Smooth System2012/01/01English43
Uniform Attractors for Nonautonomous Wave Equations with Nonlinear Damping2007/01/01English42