iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Fine root morphological traits and production in coniferous- and deciduous-tree forests with drained and naturally wet nutrient-rich organic soils in hemiboreal Latvia2023/06/30English
Effect of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) soil contamination on the development of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on Fraxinus excelsior and F. angustifolia seedlings2023/12/31English
Is it needed to integrate mixture degree in Stand Density Management Diagram (SDMD)?2023/10/31English
Use of unmanned aerial vehicles for the diagnosis of parasitic plant infestation at the crown level in Pinus hartwegii2023/10/31English
The growth dynamics of East European Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations - a Lithuanian field trial2024/04/30English
Prospects for evolution in European tree breeding2024/04/30English
How biomass and other tree architectural characteristics relate to the structural complexity of a beech-pine forest2023/12/31English
Effects of silvicultural thinning on stand structure and coarse woody debris in the deciduous Arasbaran forest, Iran2023/12/31English
Changes in tree layer and altitudinal distribution of herbaceous species in temperate old-growth forests over 30 years2022/06/30English
Strong relationships between soil and vegetation in reference ecosystems of a riparian Atlantic rainforest in the upper Doce River watershed, southeastern Brazil2023/08/31English
The effect of soil conditions on submountain site suitability for Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in Central Europe2023/08/31English
A new zoning index for detecting areas of biological importance applied to a temperate forest in Central Mexico2023/08/31English
Effects on soil physicochemical properties and seedling growth in mixed high forests caused by cable skidder traffic2023/04/30English
Influence of pH, nitrogen and sulphur deposition on species composition of lowland and montane coniferous communities in the Tatrzanski and Slowinski National Parks, Poland2019/02/28English
Geographic determinants of spatial patterns of Quercus robur forest stands in Latvia: biophysical conditions and past management2019/08/31English
Long-term effects of stem girdling on needle structure in Scots pine2018/08/31English
Methods for predicting Sitka spruce natural regeneration presence and density in the UK2019/06/30English
Methods to inventory and strip thin in dense stands of aspen root suckers2015/10/01English
Evidence of Alectoris chukar (Aves, Galliformes) as seed dispersal and germinating agent for Pistacia khinjuk in Balochistan, Pakistan2021/08/31English
Method for the analysis of the relationship between forest cover and streamflow in watersheds2021/08/31English
Quantifying the vertical microclimate profile within a tropical seasonal rainforest, based on both ground- and canopy-referenced approaches2022/02/28English
Nursery fertilization affected field performance and nutrient resorption of Populus tomentosa Carr. ploidy levels2022/02/28English
Estimation of fuel loads and carbon stocks of forest floor in endemic Dalmatian black pine forests2020/10/31English
Obituary: Ervedo Giordano, silviculturalist and forest ecologist from the Mediterranean, open to the world and to international forestry2021/06/30English
Long-term dynamics of stand structure and regeneration in high-stocked selection fir-beech forest stand: Croatian Dinarides case study2021/08/31English
Decision making in forest road planning considering both skidding and road costs: a case study in the Hyrcanian Forest in Iran2013/04/02English
Effects of cultural treatments, seedling type and morphological characteristics on survival and growth of wild cherry seedlings in Turkey2012/12/17English
The treatment of land use, land use change and forestry in the post-2012 climate agreement: a perspective from non-Annex I Parties2010/05/17English
Long-term ecosystem research: understanding the present to shape the future2010/07/15English
Change is in the air: future challenges for applied forest research2009/03/18English