Crying wolf: Repeat responses to hurricane evacuation orders | 1998/01/01 | English | 258 |
The COVID-19 Pandemic, Small-Scale Fisheries and Coastal Fishing Communities | 2020/05/22 | English | 233 |
Designing Marine Reserves for Fisheries Management, Biodiversity Conservation, and Climate Change Adaptation | 2014/02/12 | English | 169 |
A review of remote sensing for the assessment and management of tropical coastal resources | 1996/01/01 | English | 142 |
The Offshore Wind Power Debate: Views from Cape Cod | 2005/03/16 | English | 142 |
Experience with Marine Protected Area Planning and Management in the Philippines | 2002/01/01 | English | 127 |
Facts, Fictions, and Failures of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe | 2007/03/16 | English | 114 |
Greenhouse effect and sea level rise: The cost of holding back the sea | 1991/01/01 | English | 105 |
Collaborative Integrated Management in Canada's North: The Role of Local and Traditional Knowledge and Community-Based Monitoring | 2007/01/01 | English | 104 |
The Role of Participatory Governance and Community-Based Management in Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management in Canada | 2007/01/01 | English | 101 |
System functioning as a basis for sustainable management of deltaic ecosystems | 1997/01/01 | English | 100 |
Scaling Up to Networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines: Biophysical, Legal, Institutional, and Social Considerations | 2009/05/05 | English | 93 |
Marine Social Science for the Peopled Seas | 2019/01/24 | English | 92 |
Marine Protected Areas in the Coral Triangle: Progress, Issues, and Options | 2014/02/12 | English | 91 |
National and international efforts at integrated coastal management: Definitions, achievements, and lessons | 1997/01/01 | English | 90 |
The Role of Living Shorelines as Estuarine Habitat Conservation Strategies | 2016/05/03 | English | 89 |
Back to Basics: An Empirical Study Demonstrating the Importance of Local-Level Dynamics for the Success of Tropical Marine Ecosystem-Based Management | 2009/05/05 | English | 89 |
Consequences of sea level rise: Implications from the mississippi delta | 1989/01/01 | English | 87 |
Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Adaptation Planning to Build Adaptive Capacity: A Structured Learning Approach | 2015/07/04 | English | 86 |
Trends in development of coastal area management in tropical countries: From central to community orientation | 1997/01/01 | English | 80 |
The Decline of the Artisanal Fisheries in Mediterranean Coastal Areas: The Case of Cap de Creus (Cape Creus) | 2006/04/01 | English | 79 |
Climate Change and Tourist Comfort on Europe's Beaches in Summer: A Reassessment | 2009/01/01 | English | 76 |
Australian Beach Safety and the Politics of Shark Attacks | 2012/01/01 | English | 72 |
Community Participation in Marine Protected Area Management: Wakatobi National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia | 2001/10/01 | English | 70 |
Ocean Citizenship: An Emergent Geographical Concept | 2007/09/04 | English | 70 |
Perceptions of Diving Impacts and Implications for Reef Conservation | 2007/03/16 | English | 67 |
What Are We Learning from Tropical Coastal Management Experiences? | 2000/01/01 | English | 64 |
The Influence of Shoreline Dynamics on the Use and Exploitation of Mediterranean Tourist Beaches | 2006/12/01 | English | 63 |
The Impact of Nassau Grouper Size and Abundance on Scuba Diver Site Selection and MPA Economics | 2002/04/01 | English | 63 |
Contributions by Women to Fisheries Economies: Insights from Five Maritime Countries | 2017/02/16 | English | 62 |