The International Journal of Human Resource Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced technologies and human resource management: a systematic review2021/02/12English205
The effects of cultural intelligence on expatriate performance: the moderating effects of international experience2010/06/01English203
Contemporary developments in Green (environmental) HRM scholarship2015/11/09English200
Building effective organizations: transformational leadership, collectivist orientation, work-related attitudes and withdrawal behaviours in three emerging economies2003/11/01English200
The influence of human resource management on knowledge sharing and innovation in Spain: the mediating role of affective commitment2011/04/01English199
Impact of people management practices on organizational performance: analysis of a causal model2003/11/01English192
Effects of socially responsible human resource management on employee organizational commitment2011/08/22English191
Understanding employees' responses to corporate social responsibility: mediating roles of overall justice and organisational identification2013/05/09English189
Employee acceptance of organizational change:the role of organizational commitment1996/02/01English186
In search of sustained competitive advantage: the impact of organizational culture, competitive strategy and human resource management practices on firm performance2004/02/01English184
The theory of met expectations applied to expatriate adjustment: the role of crosscultural training2001/01/01English182
Multinationals, national business systems and HRM: the enduring influence of national identity or a process of 'Anglo-Saxonization'1998/01/01English180
Organizing work to support relational co-ordination2000/01/01English180
Leveraging the innovative performance of human capital through HRM and social capital in Spanish firms2011/02/01English177
Exploring the motives of company-backed and self-initiated expatriates2011/01/01English177
Mapping the relationships between high-performance work systems, employee resilience and engagement: a study of the banking industry in China2016/02/19English176
A relational framework for international transfer of diversity management practices2009/12/01English176
HRM practices used to promote pro-environmental behavior: a UK survey2015/01/20English176
Interrelationships between human capital, HRM and innovation in Belgian start-ups aiming at an innovation strategy2010/09/01English175
Addressing international mobility confusion – developing definitions and differentiations for self-initiated and assigned expatriates as well as migrants2014/01/14English175
Organizational expatriates and self-initiated expatriates: who adjusts better to work and life in Japan?2009/05/01English171
The role of HRM practices, procedural justice, organizational support and trust in organizational commitment and in-role and extra-role performance2010/02/01English171
A review of talent management: ‘infancy or adolescence?’2013/05/01English170
HR practices, organizational climate and employee outcomes: evaluating social exchange relationships in local government2007/09/01English170
Work engagement, psychological contract breach and job satisfaction2014/01/14English169
Expatriate adjustment as a multifaceted phenomenon: individual and organizational level predictors1997/01/01English169
Beyond bureaucracy? Work organization in call centres1998/01/01English168
The persistent myth of high expatriate failure rates1995/05/01English168
The interplay between cultural and institutional/structural contingencies in human resource management practices2005/07/01English166
Repatriation: empirical evidence from a longitudinal study of careers and expectations among Finnish expatriates2003/11/01English165