Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Extracting Sub-Networks from Brain Functional Network Using Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization2020/01/01English8
Regarding on the Fractional Mathematical Model of Tumour Invasion and Metastasis2021/01/01English8
Analytical and Numerical Investigation for the DMBBM Equation2020/01/01English8
Advanced Feature Fusion Algorithm Based on Multiple Convolutional Neural Network for Scene Recognition2020/01/01English8
A Novel BEM for Modeling and Simulation of 3T Nonlinear Generalized Anisotropic Micropolar-Thermoelasticity Theory withMemory Dependent Derivative2021/01/01English8
Reliability Analysis of Piled Raft Foundation Using a Novel Hybrid Approach of ANN and Equilibrium Optimizer2021/01/01English8
Modeling of an Internal Stress and Strain Distribution of an Inverted Staggered Thin-Film Transistor Based on Two-Dimensional Mass-Spring-Damper Structure2020/01/01English8
Spectral Solutions of Linear and Nonlinear BVPs Using Certain Jacobi Polynomials Generalizing Third- and Fourth-Kinds of Chebyshev Polynomials2021/01/01English8
An Efficient Meshless Method for Hyperbolic Telegraph Equations in (1 + 1) Dimensions2021/01/01English8
Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of Seismically Isolated Structures with Full-Scale Bearings and Large Computational Models2019/01/01English8
Estimating the Properties of Ground-Waste-Brick Mortars Using DNN and ANN2019/01/01English8
Dynamic Response of Floating Body Subjected to Underwater Explosion Bubble and Generated Waves with 2D Numerical Model2019/01/01English8
A Hybrid Encryption Algorithm for Security Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Networks: A Supervisory Approach to Pipelines2020/01/01English7
Thermal Analysis of MHD Non-Newtonian Nanofluids over a Porous Media2020/01/01English7
Investigation of Coronavirus Deposition in Realistic Human Nasal Cavity and Impact of Social Distancing to Contain COVID-19: A Computational Fluid Dynamic Approach2020/01/01English7
Modeling Imperfect Interfaces in the Material Point Method using Multimaterial Methods2013/01/01English7
T-Trefftz Voronoi Cell Finite Elements with Elastic/Rigid Inclusions or Voids for Micromechanical Analysis of Composite and Porous Materials2014/01/01English7
Strength of Brittle Materials under High Strain Rates in DEM Simulations2011/01/01English7
Time-Variant Reliability-Based Multi-Objective Fuzzy Design Optimization for Anti-Roll Torsion Bar of EMU2022/01/01English7
Coupling of Peridynamics and Numerical Substructure Method for Modeling Structures with Local Discontinuities2019/01/01English7
The Analysis of Thermal-Induced Phase Transformation and Microstructural Evolution in Ni-Ti Based Shape Memory Alloys By Molecular Dynamics2019/01/01English7
Simulation of Daily Diffuse Solar Radiation Based on Three Machine Learning Models2020/01/01English7
Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for Selection of Shield Tunneling Parameter Values2019/01/01English7
T-Splines Based Isogeometric Topology Optimization with Arbitrarily Shaped Design Domains2020/01/01English7
Validating the CorrectWearing of Protection Mask by Taking a Selfie: Design of a Mobile Application “CheckYourMask” to Limit the Spread of COVID-192020/01/01English7
Machine Learning Model Comparison for Automatic Segmentation of Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography and Plaque Cap Thickness Quantification2020/01/01English7
PSAP-WSN: A Provably Secure Authentication Protocol for 5G-Based Wireless Sensor Networks2023/01/01English7
Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks: A Review2022/01/01English7
Deep Learning Applications for COVID-19 Analysis: A State-of-the-Art Survey2021/01/01English7
An Improved Farmland Fertility Algorithm with Hyper-Heuristic Approach for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem2023/01/01English7