Citizenship Teaching & Learning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Enhancing citizenship learning with international comparative research: Analyses of IEA civic education datasets2018/03/01English49
Agency, choice and historical action: How history teaching can help students think about democratic decision making2012/04/25English39
Comparative civic education research: What we know and what we need to know2010/06/01English36
Citizenship education in Canada: ‘Democratic’ engagement with differences, conflicts and equity issues?2014/09/01English18
Affective citizenship in multicultural societies: Implications for critical citizenship education2013/12/01English18
Action civics education and civic outcomes for urban youth: An evaluation of the impact of Generation Citizen2018/10/01English16
Personal Responsible, Participatory or Justice-Oriented Citizen: The case of Hong Kong2014/09/01English16
Revolutionary critical pedagogy and critical global citizenship education: A conversation with Peter McLaren2022/06/01English12
Remembrance education between history teaching and citizenship education2012/04/25English12
Hong Kong teachers’ receptivity towards civic education2015/09/01English11
Alternative policy measures for improving citizenship education in Hong Kong2010/06/01English11
Pedagogy in citizenship education research: A comparative perspective2016/04/01English10
Social change and teaching and learning citizenship education: An empirical study of three schools in Guangzhou, China2017/03/01English10
Using inquiry to promote democratic citizenship among young adolescents during summer civics camps2020/10/01English9
Treaty education for ethically engaged citizenship: Settler identities, historical consciousness and the need for reconciliation2012/04/25English8
Critical global citizenship: Foucault as a complexity thinker, social justice and the challenges of higher education in the era of neo-liberal globalization – A conversation with Mark Olssen2023/06/01English8
Reconstructing Hong Kong’s civic education in the postnational education era: Rethinking about conceptual, curricular and pedagogical matters2015/09/01English8
Competing citizenship identities in the global age: The case of Hong Kong2011/07/01English8
Learning to live together in polarized and pluralistic societies: Hong Kong teachers' views of democratic values versus patriotic values2019/10/01English7
From getting along to democratic engagement: Moving toward deep diversity in citizenship education2010/06/01English7
Beyond #Talking and #Texting: African Immigrant Youth’s Social–Civic Literacies and Negotiations of Citizenship Across Participatory New Media Technologies2014/12/01English7
The cooperative competitive citizen: What does it take?2013/05/01English7
The model of teachers’ perceptions of ‘Good Citizens’: Aligning with the changing conceptions of ‘Good Citizens’2017/03/01English7
Global citizenship education as a reflexive dialogic pedagogy2023/06/01English7
Exploring the phenomenon of Afrofuturism in film in decolonizing the university curriculum: A case study of a South African university2022/02/01English6
Teachers as role models in the political socialization process: How a good student–teacher relationship can compensate for gender differences in students’ gender equality attitudes2018/03/01English6
Values in times of austerity: A cross-national and cross-generational analysis2016/09/01English6
We, the non-global citizens: Reflections on the possibilities and challenges of democratic global citizenship education in higher education contexts2018/10/01English6
Citizenship education in Scandinavian multicultural schools: A comparative study of students and teachers perceptions2011/10/28English6
'Political ideas can only be discussed if they are in the syllabus; otherwise a political discussion is not necessary': Teachers' views on citizenship education in Zimbabwe2011/07/01English6