Australian Journal of International Affairs

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Australia–Indonesia cooperation on asylum-seekers: a case of ‘incentivised policy transfer’2013/10/31English24
The political economy of Indonesia's 1997 forest fires1998/04/01English23
Malaysia — democracy and the end of ethnic politics?2008/11/28English23
Can Australia save the world? The limits and possibilities of middle power diplomacy2011/11/01English23
How was Howard's war possible? Winning the war of position over Iraq2010/04/01English23
Political warfare in the digital age: cyber subversion, information operations and ‘deep fakes’2020/03/10English23
Trump, the authoritarian populist revolt and the future of the rules-based order in Asia2017/01/10English23
East Asian ideas of regionalism: a normative critique2004/03/01English23
A new process for negotiating multilateral environmental agreements? The Asia–Pacific climate partnership beyond Kyoto2006/06/01English22
The emergence of NGOs in China and their transnational linkages: implications for domestic reform2005/12/01English22
Studying the Bandung conference from a Global IR perspective2016/06/13English22
Soft balancing against the US ‘pivot to Asia’: China’s geostrategic rationale for establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank2017/08/07English22
Power shift: rethinking Australia's place in the Asian century2011/02/01English22
Libya and the state of intervention2011/11/01English22
The geopolitics of Antarctic governance: sovereignty and strategic denial in Australia's Antarctic policy2016/04/12English22
Asian studies in Australia: Approaches to Asia through education11994/05/01English21
The politics of repressing environmentalists as agents of foreign influence2018/02/04English21
Revisiting the South Korean developmental state after the 1997 financial crisis2011/11/01English21
Realising Australia's international education as public diplomacy2013/08/01English21
The ‘arc of instability’ and Australia's strategic policy2007/06/01English21
The rise of transactionalism in international relations: evidence from Turkey’s relations with the European Union2019/11/28English20
The end of ‘white Australia’ and Australia's changing perceptions of Asia, 1945–19901995/11/01English20
Turkey and the Middle East: frontiers of the new geographic imagination2007/12/01English20
Is a ‘Modi doctrine’ emerging in Indian foreign policy?2015/02/02English19
Rival populisms and the democratic crisis in Indonesia: chauvinists, Islamists and technocrats2020/02/10English19
International relations and the Himalaya: connecting ecologies, cultures and geopolitics2020/06/30English19
Risk management, neo-liberalism and the securitisation of the Australian aid program2008/09/01English19
Collective security: Theory, problems and reformulations1993/05/01English18
‘An ally for all the years to come’: why Australia is not a conflicted US ally2013/08/01English18
Kokusaika and Internationalisation: Australian and Japanese Sister City Type Relationships2001/11/01English18