Historical Linguistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Further to Avidic: ‘Geese’ in Insular Celtic2019/12/07English
Swampy places in ÇİNEKÖY and KARATEPE2019/12/07English
Deep Waters: The Etymology of Vedic gabhīrá-2019/12/07English
Studies in Greek epic metre, diction and verbal morphology: the use of (un)augmented verb forms in theApologoi2019/12/07English
How to Handle the Proto-Indo-European Suffix *-eh2-in Latin Compounds:Tībīcen-type andArmiger-type Treatments2019/12/07English
La question de l’authenticité du lot « Waddington » dans le corpus des lamelles de Styra (IG XII 9, 56) : l’apport de la linguistique2020/10/12English
Indo-European Inroads into the Syntactic-Etymological Interface: A Reconstruction of the PIE verbal root*menkʷ-‘to be short; to lack’ and its Argument Structure2020/10/12English
Emplois de la flexion en-hheen hittite2020/10/12English
Celebrated through poetry: a historical-comparative analysis of the collocation [Xnom. – μέλω – MORTALdat.] in Pi. Pyth. 4.15, Od. 9.20 and 12.702020/10/12English
Die Bedeutung von ved. bhari und der Vergleich mit heth. parh- und DPerwa-2020/10/12English
A burning question. On the etymologies of Greek κήλων ‘stud’2020/10/12English
Vorwort der Herausgeber2021/10/12English
Greek μάρτυς ‘witness’, σειρά ‘rope’ and PIE *ter(H)- ‘to bind’2021/10/12English
A Contrastive Study of the Co-occurrence of the Augmented, Unaugmented and Iterative forms in -σκ- in Iliad 242021/10/12English
Vedic dháya-, citáya- and an Indo-Iranian sound law2021/10/12English
‘Chevreuil’ en indo-européen2021/10/12English
Diathetic problem of the Baltic ā-preterits to the simple thematic presents2021/10/12English
Griechisch ἐσλαψινισμένος Mark. 15,232018/12/07German
On Greek and Latin silences: a study of σιγᾶν, σιωπᾶν, silēre2018/12/07German
Palaic Words for Domestic Animals and their Enclosures2018/12/07German
Ai.śrāyatiund lat.caleō:Zu einem Fortsetzer der uridg. *-eh1-Bildung im Altindoarischen2018/12/07German
The origin and spread of the ‘i-mutation’ paradigm and the prehistory of the Luwic nominal stem classes2018/12/07German
Das litauische Reflexivum und das indogermanische Wort: Skizze einer Typologie2018/12/07German
Root enlargement or stem-forming *-u-? PIE *(s)teh2u-beside *(s)teh2-‘to stand up’, *terh2u-and *senh2u-as against *terh2-‘to cross, overcome’ and *senh2u- ‘to reach’ and others2018/12/07German
Root extension as a linguistic problem2018/12/07German
Scheinbare Wurzelerweiterung a fronte: Obskurierte Präfixkomposita im Germanischen2018/12/07German
Wurzelerweiterungen im Germanischen2018/12/07German