Wackernagel in the Language of the Rigveda. A Reassessment | 2011/07/01 | German | 3 |
Patterns of Vowel Reduction in Latin: Phonetics and Phonology | 2010/05/01 | German | 3 |
Deriving Dreams from the Divine: Hittite tesa-/zas(a)i- | 2011/07/01 | German | 3 |
Lex Pinault: Eine indogermanische Lautregel? | 2014/11/01 | German | 3 |
Entre lo epistémico y lo deóntico | 2014/11/01 | German | 2 |
Proto-Indo-European “thorn”-clusters | 2014/11/01 | German | 2 |
Steps in the middle (voice): ancient Greek grammarians, Bopp and beyond | 2016/12/07 | German | 2 |
Die lydische Athene: eine neue Edition von LW 40 | 2016/12/07 | German | 2 |
Demeter, Gê and the Indo-European word(s) for >earth< | 2007/02/01 | German | 2 |
To be or not to be: the Latin perfect in -v- | 2009/11/01 | German | 2 |
Anticausative-inchoative verbs in the northern Indo-European languages | 2011/07/01 | German | 2 |
Griechisch kalathos - ein ägyptisches Lehnwort? | 2010/05/01 | German | 2 |
The etymology of Latin focus and the devoicing of final stops before *s in Proto-Indo-European | 2010/05/01 | German | 2 |
Synchronie und Diachronie des altgriechischen Genitivs als Semisubjekt | 2008/07/01 | German | 2 |
Indo-European *dem(h2)- 'to build' and its derivatives | 2010/05/01 | German | 2 |
Sur la formation de l'adjectif balto-slave »saldu« (doux, sucré) et du germanique »salt« (sel) | 2008/07/01 | German | 2 |
Standard Average European and the Western Fringe – a Reconsideration | 2013/11/01 | German | 2 |
Indo-European Caland Adjectives in *-nt-and Participles in Sanskrit | 2014/11/01 | German | 1 |
Zu den Fokusadverbien bei Homer: Analyse von ἔτι | 2014/11/01 | German | 1 |
Vowel Lengthening in the Latin Nominal Lexicon: Innovation and Inheritance | 2014/11/01 | German | 1 |
Indo-European “bear” | 2017/12/07 | German | 1 |
Lith. namõ, OCS doma and the PIE directive | 2017/12/07 | German | 1 |
From focus marker to comparative suffix – the original character of the Lithuanian comparative -iaũs | 2013/11/01 | German | 1 |
On the Proto-Indo-European Obstruent System | 2007/02/01 | German | 1 |
Cisalpine (»Lepontic«) anareKarTos | 2007/02/01 | German | 1 |
Vedisch nigút- >Feind, Übeltäter< | 2007/02/01 | German | 1 |
The Caland System and the Germanic Third Weak Verb Class | 2010/05/01 | German | 1 |
A Look into the Indo-European Bedroom: Vedic yóni- and Greek εὐνή | 2019/12/07 | English | 1 |
Dual subordinator system in Hittite? Philology, Natural Interpretation and Typologically Relevant Data | 2019/12/07 | English | 1 |
Zu Konjunktionaladverbien im Altgriechischen: Analyse von ἔπειτα bei Homer | 2012/11/01 | German | 1 |