Quantum Information Processing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Improving the performance of practical phase-matching quantum key distribution with advantage distillation2024/03/26English
Degenerate perturbation theory to quantum search2024/03/26English
A three-layer quantum multi-image encryption scheme2024/03/25English
Generation of five-photon hyperentangled cluster state with three-photon GHZ state and Bell state via weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity2024/03/28English
Restricting to the chip architecture maintains the quantum neural network accuracy2024/03/28English
Quantum homomorphic aggregate signature based on quantum Fourier transform2024/03/28English
New concepts and construction of quantum random number generators2024/03/28English
Enhancement of tripartite entanglement via periodically modulated fields with an atom-assisted optomechanical system2024/03/15English
Hermitian self-orthogonal matrix product codes and their applications to quantum codes2024/03/15English
Constructions of entanglement-assisted quantum MDS codes from generalized Reed–Solomon codes2024/03/15English
Quantum audio LSB steganography with entanglement-assisted modulation2024/03/14English
An efficient quantum algorithm for simulating polynomial dynamical systems2024/03/13English
Several families of MDS QECCs and MDS EAQECCs from Hermitian self-orthogonal GRS codes2024/03/16English
Deterministic hierarchical joint remote state preparation via a non-maximally entangled state2024/03/23English
Edge detection steganography and quantum circuit design based on a novel fractal chaotic system2024/03/23English
Coherence versus quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty relation of double quantum dots with Rashba spin–orbit interaction2024/03/23English
On the duals of quasi-cyclic codes and their application to quantum codes2024/03/23English
Entanglement entropy in a certain nonlinear discrete quantum walk model2024/03/23English
Two-partite entanglement purification assisted by quantum-dot spins inside single-sided optical microcavities2024/03/23English
Geometrical parameter dependency of non-Markovian and quantum speed limit measures in the spontaneous emission dynamics of a qubit near a plasmonic nanodisk2024/03/23English
Evolving quantum circuits2024/03/15English
Concrete quantum cryptanalysis of binary elliptic curves via addition chain2024/03/25English
Enhanced quantum transport in chiral quantum walks2024/03/23English
Tighter monogamy and polygamy inequalities based on the generalized W-class states2024/03/23English
Entropically secure encryption with faster key expansion2024/03/23English
Bidirectional quantum operation teleportation with two four-qubit cluster states2024/03/26English
New EAQEC codes from cyclic codes over $${\mathbb {Z}}_{4}+v{\mathbb {Z}}_{4}$$2024/02/17English
Quantum video encryption based on bitplanes and improved Arnold scrambling2024/02/17English
A quantum online portfolio optimization algorithm2024/02/16English
A hybrid dynamic n-party quantum key exchange protocol based on three-particle GHZ states2024/02/16English