Asian Studies Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Together‐in‐difference: beyond diaspora, into hybridity2003/06/01English77
Development for Whom? Rural to Urban Resettlement at the Three Gorges Dam, China2011/03/01English68
Sustaining Families across Transnational Spaces: Vietnamese Migrant Parents and their Left-Behind Children2012/08/23English68
Memory Politics and Ontological Security in Sino-Japanese Relations2013/11/18English58
Explaining the 2016 Islamist Mobilisation in Indonesia: Religious Intolerance, Militant Groups and the Politics of Accommodation2018/07/03English54
Grassroots Environmental Activism and the Internet: Constructing a Green Public Sphere in China2011/12/01English54
Lee Kuan Yew and the “Asian values” debate2000/09/01English52
Between Control and Empowerment: Governmental Strategies towards the Development of the Non-profit Sector in China2015/10/01English50
The politics of civil society in Singapore2002/03/01English47
Where Health and Beauty Meet: Femininity and Racialisation in Thai Cosmetic Surgery Clinics2009/09/01English46
The political culture of corruption in the Lao PDR2006/03/01English44
Diasporic subjects in the nation: Foreign domestic workers, the reach of law and civil society in Singapore2004/03/01English41
From “Passports” to “Joint Ventures”: Intermarriage between Chinese Nationals and Western Expatriates Residing in Shanghai2008/03/01English41
Assessing the South Korean Model of Emergency Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic2020/07/02English35
Japanese Working Holiday Makers in Australia and their Relationship to the Japanese Labour Market: Before and After2010/09/01English35
Contestations of Gender, Sexuality and Morality in Contemporary Indonesia2018/01/02English32
Old Tricks in a New Era: Self-Censorship in Indonesian Journalism2012/06/01English31
(Re)constructing Identities: International Marriage Migrants as Potential Agents of Social Change in a Globalising Japan12004/09/01English30
Obscenity, Moral Contagion and Masculinity:Hijrasin Public Space in Colonial North India2014/04/03English30
Introduction: Financialisation and Development in Asia under Late Capitalism2014/10/02English30
Beyond technocracy: The culture of elite governance in Lee Hsien Loong's Singapore2006/03/01English29
Managing Labour Migration in Malaysia: Guest Worker Programs and the Regularisation of Irregular Labour Migrants as a Policy Instrument2014/07/03English29
Financialisation through Microfinance: Civil Society and Market-Building in India2014/10/02English28
Global Technologies and Transnational Reproduction in Thailand2009/09/01English28
Survive and Thrive: Field Research in Authoritarian Southeast Asia2018/06/27English27
Rare Earths: Future Elements of Conflict in Asia?2013/06/01English27
The triumph of instrumental citizenship? Migrations, identities, and the nation‐state in Southeast Asia1999/09/01English26
The Purchase of Transnational Intimacy: Women's Bodies, Transnational Masculine Privileges in Chinese Economic Zones2008/03/01English26
Settlement experiences of Taiwanese immigrants in Australia1998/03/01English24
The “Smart Work” Myth: How Bureaucratic Inertia and Workplace Culture Stymied Digital Transformation in the Relocation of South Korea’s Capital2019/09/25English24