Materials Characterization

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effect of build geometry on the β-grain structure and texture in additive manufacture of Ti6Al4V by selective electron beam melting2013/10/01English538
Light weight materials for automotive applications1995/07/01English461
Microstructures and mechanical properties of electron beam-rapid manufactured Ti–6Al–4V biomedical prototypes compared to wrought Ti–6Al–4V2009/02/01English413
XCT analysis of the influence of melt strategies on defect population in Ti–6Al–4V components manufactured by Selective Electron Beam Melting2015/04/01English404
X-ray microtomography2010/12/01English390
Microstructural and texture development in direct laser fabricated IN7182014/03/01English372
Delta phase precipitation in Inconel 7182004/09/01English362
Metrological characterization of X-ray diffraction methods at different acquisition geometries for determination of crystallite size in nano-scale materials2013/11/01English348
Effect of intermetallic precipitations on the properties of duplex stainless steel2007/01/01English343
Characterization of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V for chemical, marine and industrial applications2003/10/01English319
Microstructure and mechanical behaviour of Ti―6Al―7Nb alloy produced by selective laser melting2011/05/01English305
Lightweight materials for aircraft applications1995/07/01English298
TiO2 thin film gas sensor for monitoring ammonia2007/08/01English297
Microstructure and mechanical properties of multiprincipal component CoCrFeNiMox alloys2012/08/01English273
Metrological characterization of X-ray diffraction methods for determination of crystallite size in nano-scale materials2007/10/01English273
Magnesium-based nanocomposites: Lightweight materials of the future2015/07/01English271
Characterizing pore volume, sizes, and connectivity in pervious concretes for permeability prediction2010/08/01English271
On the role of processing parameters in producing Cu/SiC metal matrix composites via friction stir processing: Investigating microstructure, microhardness, wear and tensile behavior2011/01/01English247
Mechanical property evaluation of natural fiber coir composite2009/01/01English240
Microstructural control of aluminum sheet used in automotive applications1995/07/01English237
Interfacial characterization of SLM parts in multi-material processing: Metallurgical diffusion between 316L stainless steel and C18400 copper alloy2014/08/01English233
Automated crystal orientation and phase mapping in TEM2014/12/01English232
The effectiveness of combining rolling deformation with Wire–Arc Additive Manufacture on β-grain refinement and texture modification in Ti–6Al–4V2016/04/01English228
Quantification and characterisation of porosity in selectively laser melted Al–Si10–Mg using X-ray computed tomography2016/01/01English224
3D reconstruction and characterization of polycrystalline microstructures using a FIB–SEM system2006/12/01English218
Ab initio phase stabilities and mechanical properties of multicomponent alloys: A comprehensive review for high entropy alloys and compositionally complex alloys2019/01/01English217
Effect of annealing temperature on the pitting corrosion resistance of super duplex stainless steel UNS S327502009/09/01English208
Nanoindentation mapping of mechanical properties of cement paste and natural rocks2007/11/01English205
Oxidation and reduction of multiwalled carbon nanotubes — preparation and characterization2010/02/01English203
Titanium oxide films produced on commercially pure titanium by anodic oxidation with different voltages2007/02/01English200