Journal of Political Ecology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Whose Knowledge, Whose nature? Biodiversity, Conservation, and the Political Ecology of Social Movements1998/12/01249
Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice: the EJAtlas2015/12/01159
What does it mean to do food justice?2015/12/01105
Political Ecology1994/12/0177
Between activism and science: grassroots concepts for sustainability coined by Environmental Justice Organizations2014/12/0162
Political ecology and conservation policies: some theoretical genealogies2013/12/0158
Power theories in political ecology2018/01/0357
Politics, ecology, and the new anthropology of energy: exploring the emerging frontiers of hydraulic fracking2014/12/0157
The political ecology of hazard vulnerability: marginalization, facilitation and the production of differential risk to urban wildfires in Arizona's White Mountains2008/12/0157
Contesting energy transitions: wind power and conflicts in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec2017/09/2749
The new politics of environmental degradation: un/expected landscapes of disempowerment and vulnerability2014/12/0144
The political ontology of climate change: moral meteorology, climate justice, and the coloniality of reality in the Bolivian Andes2017/09/2741
Theorizing power in political ecology: the 'where' of power in resource governance projects2018/01/0340
Rethinking the 'debate on environmental refugees': from 'maximilists and minimalists' to 'proponents and critics'2012/12/0140
The political ecology of participatory conservation: institutions and discourse2015/12/0139
Degrowth: culture, power and change2017/09/2733
What's ontology got to do with it? On nature and knowledge in a political ecology of the 'green economy'2017/09/2732
Ecologically unequal exchange and ecological debt2016/12/0132
Community-Oriented Protected Areas for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities2005/12/0131
Conflict ecologies: Connecting political ecology and peace and conflict studies2018/01/0330
The Mexico-United States Border in Anthropology: A Critique and Reformulation1994/12/0130
Home rule and natural gas development in New York: civil fracking rights2014/12/0130
Sleeping with the enemy? Biodiversity conservation, corporations and the green economy2017/09/2729
Seeds of Trust. Italy's Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale (Solidarity Purchase Groups)2014/12/0129
Crafting nature: the Galapagos and the making and unmaking of a "natural laboratory"2009/12/0129
Decolonizing political ecology: ontology, technology and 'critical' enchantment2017/09/2727
Silences in the boom: coal seam gas, neoliberalizing discourse, and the future of regional Australia2014/12/0127
The political ecology of climate adaptation assistance: Alaska Natives, displacement, and relocation2012/12/0126
Notes on the practice of food justice in the U.S.: understanding and confronting trauma and inequity2015/12/0126
Water and the political ecology of urban metabolism: the case of Mexico City2015/12/0126