Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Enhanced diagnostics for the spatial analysis of field trials2009/12/01English61
Variable selection and the interpretation of principal subspaces2001/03/01English61
Blackbox Kriging: Spatial Prediction without Specifying Variogram Models1996/09/0156
Estimation of population size using open capture-recapture models2001/06/01English55
Continuous Time-Varying Kriging for Spatial Prediction of Functional Data: An Environmental Application2010/01/28English55
Survey and Comparison of Methods for Study of Resource Selection1998/09/0154
The Use of Discrete-Choice Models for Evaluating Resource Selection1998/09/0153
Agent-Based Inference for Animal Movement and Selection2010/12/01English53
Species Occupancy Modeling for Detection Data Collected Along a Transect2011/01/08English52
Hierarchical Modeling in Geographic Information Systems: Population Interpolation over Incompatible Zones1998/06/0150
Statistical analysis of interactive cytotoxicity in human epidermal keratinocytes following exposure to a mixture of four metals2002/03/01English49
Finite Mixture of Regression Modeling for High-Dimensional Count and Biomass Data in Ecology2013/05/16English49
Bayesian Variogram Modeling for an Isotropic Spatial Process1997/12/0149
Ranked set sampling based on binary water quality data with covariates2003/09/01English48
Power analysis based on spatial effects mixed models: A tool for comparing design and analysis strategies in the presence of spatial variability2002/12/01English48
Limitations to Mapping Habitat Use Areas in Changing Landscapes Using the Mahalanobis Distance Statistic1998/09/0147
Spatial autocorrelation and statistical tests: Some solutions2009/06/01English47
Autologistic models with interpretable parameters2009/09/01English45
Controlling for Varying Effort in Count Surveys: An Analysis of Christmas Bird Count Data1999/06/0145
A Composite Likelihood Approach to Semivariogram Estimation1999/03/0144
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Double-Count Method with Independent Observers1996/06/0144
Space: Time Dynamic Design of Environmental Monitoring Networks1999/12/0142
Application of Whole-Genome Prediction Methods for Genome-Wide Association Studies: A Bayesian Approach2017/04/11English41
Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models for Multivariate Count and Biomass Data in Ecology2017/08/24English41
A Multivariate Hidden Markov Model for the Identification of Sea Regimes from Incomplete Skewed and Circular Time Series2012/09/01English40
Kriging a soil variable with a simple nonstationary variance model2009/09/01English40
Autologistic regression model for the distribution of vegetation2003/06/01English39
Non-Stationary Dependence Structures for Spatial Extremes2016/03/03English39
Multi-scale Modeling of Animal Movement and General Behavior Data Using Hidden Markov Models with Hierarchical Structures2017/05/12English39
Spatio-Temporal Statistical Modeling of Livestock Waste in Streams1997/03/0138