Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Comparing pivotal and REML-based confidence intervals for heritability2007/12/01English
Spatial designs and properties of spatial correlation: Effects on covariance estimation2007/12/01English
Bayesian estimation of cluster-level test accuracy based on different sampling schemes2007/06/01English
Age-dependent tag return models for estimating fishing mortality, natural mortality, and selectivity2007/06/01English
Evaluating estimators of the numbers of females with cubs-of-the-year in the yellowstone grizzly bear population2007/06/01English
Estimating and modeling spatio-temporal correlation structures for river monitoring networks2007/06/01English
Statistical monitoring of heteroscedastic dose-response profiles from high-throughput screening2007/06/01English
Evaluating the performance of a block updating MCMC sampler in a simple genetic application2007/06/01English
Incorporating variance uncertainty into a power analysis of monitoring designs2007/06/01English
Incorporating LASSO effects into a mixed model for quantitative trait loci detection2007/06/01English
A simulation study for a linear measurement error model when error variances vary between measurements2005/03/01English
Sample size and power determination for detecting interactions in mixtures of chemicals2005/03/01English
Two-stage sequential sampling: A neighborhood-free adaptive sampling procedure2005/03/01English
Measuring the Inspectorate: Point and Interval Estimates for Performance Indicators2016/03/24English
The Allometric Quarter-Power Scaling Model and Its Applicability to Grand Fir and Eucalyptus Trees2017/07/07English
Biometrics, JABES and the International Biometric Society2017/08/10English
Assessing the Correlation Structure in Cow Udder Quarter Infection Times Through Extensions of the Correlated Frailty Model2016/06/23English
Comparison of Models Analyzing a Small Number of Observed Meningitis Cases in Navrongo, Ghana2016/12/02English
“Extending R”, by John M. Chambers2016/11/11English
Estimation and Clustering of Directional Wave Spectra2023/04/13English
Improving Detection of Changepoints in Short and Noisy Time Series with Local Correlations: Connecting the Events in Pixel Neighbourhoods2023/05/16English
Review of “Mixed-Effects Models and Small Area Estimation” by Shonosuke Sugasawa and Tatsuya Kubokawa2023/05/16English
A Variance Partitioning Multi-level Model for Forest Inventory Data with a Fixed Plot Design2023/05/30English
Spatial Wildfire Risk Modeling Using a Tree-Based Multivariate Generalized Pareto Mixture Model2024/02/21English
Multi-omics Integrative Analysis for Incomplete Data Using Weighted p-Value Adjustment Approaches2024/02/28English
Faster Asymptotic Solutions for N-Mixtures on Large Populations2024/03/30English
Regularized Latent Trajectory Models for Spatio-temporal Population Dynamics2024/04/01English
George Seber: A statistical ecology pioneer and scientist par excellence2001/06/01English
Semi-parametric Spatio-Temporal Hawkes Process for Modelling Road Accidents in Rome2024/04/09English
Spatio-Temporal Marked Point Process Model to Understand Forest Fires in the Mediterranean Basin2024/03/29English