Sexuality & Culture

Title Publication Date Language Citations
There’s an App for that: The Uses and Gratifications of Online Social Networks for Gay Men2012/01/14English142
Equal Opportunity Objectification? The Sexualization of Men and Women on the Cover of Rolling Stone2011/05/14English127
Sexual Double Standard: A Review of the Literature Between 2001 and 20102012/12/24English120
What do people do with porn? Qualitative research into the comsumption, use, and experience of pornography and other sexually explicit media2005/06/01English108
Sex(t) Talk: A Qualitative Analysis of Young Adults’ Negotiations of the Pleasures and Perils of Sexting2015/07/11English84
“Dude, Where’s Your Face?” Self-Presentation, Self-Description, and Partner Preferences on a Social Networking Application for Men Who Have Sex with Men: A Content Analysis2015/04/10English69
How Gendered Attitudes Relate to Women’s and Men’s Sexual Behaviors and Beliefs2014/03/06English66
“Let My Fingers Do the Talking”: Sexting and Infidelity in Cyberspace2011/03/20English64
Endangered Girls and Incendiary Objects: Unpacking the Discourse on Sexualization2008/10/04English63
“To Protect and to Serve?”: An Exploration of Police Conduct in Relation to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Community2007/08/07English62
Fixing broken masculinity: Viagra asa technology for the production of gender and sexuality2001/09/01English58
Sexual Socialization Messages in Mainstream Entertainment Mass Media: A Review and Synthesis2009/03/25English57
Gender as a factor in the response of the law-enforcement system to violence against partners2004/06/01English56
“Master your Johnson”: Sexual rhetoric in Maxim and Stuff magazines2003/09/01English55
Independent Female Escort’s Strategies for Coping with Sex Work Related Stigma2011/11/06English55
“It is Good to Know Now…Before it’s Too Late”: Promoting Sexual Health Literacy Amongst Resettled Young People With Refugee Backgrounds2009/07/08English55
Female Self-Sexualization in Personal Profile Photographs2011/06/01English55
Peers, Parents and Pornography: Exploring Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Material and Its Developmental Correlates2012/02/16English54
Gamified Eroticism: Gay Male “Social Networking” Applications and Self-Pornography2015/05/09English52
Information-Seeking Practices during the Sexual Development of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals: The Influence and Effects of Coming Out in a Mediated Environment2008/12/05English50
Purity, Privacy and Procreation: Constructions and Experiences of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Assyrian and Karen Women Living in Australia2012/02/14English48
“A Short Story of a Lonely Guy”: A Qualitative Thematic Analysis of Involuntary Celibacy Using Reddit2020/03/25English48
Ethnic differences in female sexual victimization2000/12/01English48
“I don’t want to be an artificial man”: Narrative reconstruction of sexuality among prostate cancer survivors2003/06/01English46
Two Gay Men Seeking Two Lesbians: An Analysis of Xinghun (Formality Marriage) Ads on China’s Tianya.cn2013/01/10English46
College as Context: Influences on Interpersonal Sexual Scripts2013/05/08English44
The dating game: Similarities and differences in dating scripts among college students2006/12/01English43
Gay Men’s Construction and Management of Identity on Grindr2016/10/14English43
Sexual Attitudes and Double Standards: A Literature Review Focusing on Participant Gender and Ethnic Background2008/07/18English42
Context Effects on Women’s Perceptions of Stranger Harassment2010/04/20English41