Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effectivity of Multiple Sheet Piles in Weir Design1997/05/01English
Nonlinear Programming Model for Extensive Irrigation1998/03/01English
Sediment Removal Efficiency of Settling Basins1999/10/01English
Comprehensive Design of Minimum Cost IrrigationCanal Sections2000/10/01English
Flap Gate Design for Automatic Upstream Canal Water Level Control2001/04/01English
Canal Control Algorithms Currently in Use1998/01/01English
Modeling Microtopography in Basin Irrigation1996/11/01English
Numerical Analysis for Lateral Weir Flow2001/08/01English
Applying Hypothesis of Self-Similarity for Flow-Resistance Law of Small-Diameter Plastic Pipes1997/05/01English
Habitat Restoration and Agricultural Production under Land Retirement2001/08/01English
Optimal Allocation of Irrigation Water Supplies in Real Time1999/12/01English
Cost Allocation for Multiuse Water Systems in Egypt1998/07/01English
Assessment of Streamflow Augmentation in Case of Weakly Dependent Data1995/01/01English
Performance of Baffle-Sluice Modules with Changed Module Dimensions1996/10/01English
Discussion and Closure: Performance of Baffle-Sluice Module with Changed Module Dimensions1997/11/01English
Electromigration of Nitrates in Soil1996/10/01English
Estimating Evaporation from Bare or Nearly Bare Soil2000/12/01English
Salt Distributions in Cracking Soils and Salt Pickup by Runoff Waters1997/09/19English
Evapotranspiration Estimates under Deficient Water Supplies1996/10/01English
Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients of Wheat and Sorghum2000/07/01English
Sodic Soil Reclamation Using Multicomponent Transport Modeling1997/09/19English
Discussion of “Simple Flume for Flow Measurement in Open Channel” by Zohrab Samani and Henry Magallanez2002/04/01English
Choke-Free Flow in Circular Channels with Increase in Bed Elevations1998/11/01English
Infiltration Considerations for Ground-Water Recharge with Waste Effluent1999/10/01English
Semianalytical Solution to Richards' Equation for Layered Porous Media1998/11/01English
Experimental Study on Local Scour Downstream of Arced Piano-Key Weirs2023/12/01English
Influence of Downstream Channel Width on Flow Features in a T-Shaped Open-Channel Confluence2023/11/01English
Assessment of 40 Empirical Models for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration under the Three Major Climate Zones of Iraq2023/11/01English
Discussion of “An Explicit Equation for the Maximum Water Application Depth in Center Pivot Irrigation”2023/10/01English
Experimental Study of the Time Scale for Local Scour Downstream of Parallel Sluice Gates2023/10/01English