Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Curve Number Method in the 21st Century2023/06/01English
Discussion of “Calibration of Stage–Discharge Relationship for Rectangular Flume with Central Cylindrical Contraction”2023/06/01English
Discussion of “Calibration of Stage–Discharge Relationship for Rectangular Flume with Central Cylindrical Contraction”2023/06/01English
Discussion of “Calibration of Stage–Discharge Relationship for Rectangular Flume with Central Cylindrical Contraction”2023/06/01English
Computational Simulation of the Flow Induced by Water Leaks in Pipes2023/06/01English
Experimental Study on Air- and Water-Inflated Double-Rubber Dams2023/09/01English
Yield Equations for Bed-Mounted Infiltration Galleries2023/10/01English
An Integrated Multiobjective Optimization Model Considering Water-Balance Processes for Supporting Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture under Shallow Groundwater Environments2023/10/01English
Closure to “Some Insights on Flow over Sharp-Crested Weirs Using Computational Fluid Dynamics: Implications for Enhanced Flow Measurement”2023/04/01English
Discussion of “Some Insights on Flow over Sharp-Crested Weirs Using Computational Fluid Dynamics: Implications for Enhanced Flow Measurement”2023/04/01English
Discussion of “Some Insights on Flow over Sharp-Crested Weirs Using Computational Fluid Dynamics: Implications for Enhanced Flow Measurement”2023/04/01English
A Reformed Empirical Equation for the Discharge Coefficient of Free-Flowing Type-A Piano Key Weirs2023/04/01English
Classification of Canal Control Algorithms1998/01/01English
Bottom Outlet for Sewers1997/07/01English
Idealized Automated Control of Sloping Canals1997/07/01English
Salt Transport in Cracking Soils: Bromide Tracer Study1997/09/19English
Determining Irrigation Canal Seepage with Electrical Resistivity2001/02/01English
Discussion and Closure: Interseasonal Irrigation System Planning for Waterlogged Sodic Soils1997/07/01English
New Algorithm for Hydraulic Calculation in Irrigation Laterals2001/08/01English
Closure to “Stability and Mobility of Sand-Bed Channels Affected by Seepage” by Achanta Ramakrishna Rao and Nagaraj Sitaram2002/04/01English
Microirrigation Submain Unit with Pressure Reducing Pipes2002/02/01English
EDR in Circular Channels2001/04/01English
Modeling of Irrigation and Drainage Canals for Controller Design1999/12/01English
Design of Minimum Seepage Loss Canal Sections2001/06/01English
Time Series Modeling for Predicting Spatially Variable Infiltration2000/10/01English
Water Management under Drought Conditions: Overview of Practices1995/03/01English
Agricultural Drainage Effects on Water Quality in Southeastern U.S.1995/07/01English
Benefits of Flexible Irrigation Water Supply2000/10/01English
Economics of Furrow Irrigation under Partial Infiltration Information1999/05/01English
Quantifying Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems2002/02/01English