Chemical Physics Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dephasing processes of molecular vibrations in liquids1975/08/01English353
A low-lying weak transition in the polyene α,ω-diphenyloctatetraene1972/06/01English348
Comment on “Comment on Dunning's correlation-consistent basis sets”1996/09/01English348
Raman studies of carbon nanotubes1993/02/01English347
Net NMR alignment by adiabatic transport of parahydrogen addition products to high magnetic field1988/04/01English347
Photodecomposition of water over Pt/TiO2 catalysts1980/05/01English343
Exploring the limits: A low-pressure, low-temperature Haber–Bosch process2014/04/01English343
Direct in situ measurements of Li transport in Li-ion battery negative electrodes2010/01/01English343
W4-11: A high-confidence benchmark dataset for computational thermochemistry derived from first-principles W4 data2011/07/01English341
Koopmans' theorem for inner-shell ionization1970/10/01English338
Is methylene blue an appropriate substrate for a photocatalytic activity test? A study with visible-light responsive titania2006/10/01English337
UPS of 2–30-atom carbon clusters: Chains and rings1988/05/01English333
A scaled hypersphere search method for the topography of reaction pathways on the potential energy surface2004/01/01English333
Improving on the resolution of the identity in linear R12 ab initio theories2004/09/01English323
Gas adsorption on MoS2 monolayer from first-principles calculations2014/03/01English322
The continuous fast multipole method1994/11/01English321
Preparation and properties of graphene nanosheets–polystyrene nanocomposites via in situ emulsion polymerization2010/01/01English318
A method for determining reaction paths in large molecules: Application to myoglobin1987/01/01English315
Modeling the electrified solid–liquid interface2008/11/01English314
Chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization II1969/11/01English312
Nanotubes of lepidocrocite titanates2003/10/01English311
Synthesis and characterization of carbon-doped titania as an artificial solar light sensitive photocatalyst2005/03/01English310
Resonance Raman and infrared spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes1994/04/01English307
Selective detection of multiple quantum transitions in NMR by two-dimensional spectroscopy1977/12/01English307
Relationships between interaction energy, intermolecular distance and electron density properties in hydrogen bonded complexes under external electric fields2011/04/01English306
High resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy of liquid water: The observation of two structural motifs2008/07/01English306
Rigorous justification of the |E|4 enhancement factor in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy2006/05/01English305
Planer nano-graphenes from camphor by CVD2006/10/01English303
Quantum-chemical investigation of Franck-Condon and Jahn-Teller activity in the electronic spectra of Buckminsterfullerene1988/02/01English302
Two-colour photoionization resonance spectroscopy of NO: Complete separation of rotational levels of NO+ at the ionization threshold1984/12/01English301