Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Evolving a new neuropsychiatry2018/06/30English
New ways of understanding brain neurocircuitry2018/06/30English
What are we trying to prevent in Alzheimer disease?2019/03/31English
Prevention of dementia presents a potentially critical platform for improvement of long-term public health2019/03/31English
Dementia prevention and reserve against neurodegenerative disease2019/03/31English
Ethical issues in early diagnosis and prevention of Alzheimer disease2019/03/31English
Is Alzheimer disease a failure of mobilizing immune defense? Lessons from cognitively fit oldest-old2019/03/31English
Anticonvulsant drugs in bipolar disorder1999/06/30English
After the MV Estonia ferry disaster A Swedish nationwide survey of the relatives of the MV Estonia victims2000/03/31English
Lifelong posttraumatic stress disorder: evidence from aging Holocaust survivors2000/03/31English
The biology of schizophrenia2000/12/31English
Pharmacological models in Alzheimer's disease research2000/09/30English
Postmortem studies in schizophrenia2000/12/31English
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: update on combining genetic and brain-imaging measures2000/09/30English
A public health approach to clinical therapeutics in psychiatry: directions for new research2000/09/30English
Psychotropic medication, psychiatric disorders, and higher brain functions2000/09/30English
An overview of the Peritraumatic Distress Scale2000/03/31English
FDA relations during drug development2000/09/30English
Ethical aspects of research on psychological trauma2000/03/31English
A social interaction model for war traumatization Self-processes and postwar recovery in Bosnia in subjects with PTSD and other psychological disorders2000/03/31English
Positron emission tomography imaging of dementia2000/06/30English
Bipolar disorder1999/06/30English
This is a comprehensive review of biological abnormalites observed in bipolar/unipolar mood disorder. We do not ignore that conflicting results may be found in the literature, but attempted, nevertheless, to summarize the currents trends.1999/06/30English
Schizophrenia: family studies and treatment of spectrum disorders2000/12/31English
Advances in the endovascular treatment of intracranial arteriovenous malformations2000/09/30English
Violence in schizophrenia2000/12/31English
Schizophrenia: vulnerability versus disease.2000/09/30English
Diagnosis and management of Alzheimer's disease2000/06/30English
Treatment mechanisms: traditional and new antipsychotic drugs2000/09/30English
Inflammation and the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease2000/09/30English