Journal of Computer Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Benders’ Decomposition Based Heuristics for Large-Scale Dynamic Quadratic Assignment Problems2009/01/01
Selective Flooding Based on Relevant Nearest-Neighbor using Query Feedback and Similarity across Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks2009/03/01
An Enhanced Training- Based Arabic Sign Language Virtual Interpreter Using Parallel Recurrent Neural Networks2018/02/01
Randomness Analysis of DES Ciphers Produced with Various Dynamic Arrangements2017/12/01
Towards a Reference Model of Software Resources Quality2018/02/01
Comparative Study of Packet Scheduling Algorithm in LTE Network2017/12/01
Measuring the Relevance of Trajectory Matching and Profile Matching in the Context of Carpooling Computational Systems2018/02/01
Model for Automated and Improved Utilization of Existing Computer Resources on an Example of Web Servers2018/02/01
Segmented Block Cipher Algorithm Based on ASCII-Codes Maneuver2017/12/01
Real-Time Multimodal Biometric User Authentication for Web Application Access in Wireless LAN2017/12/01
Accelerating Digital Forensics through Parallel Computing2018/02/01
Performance Analysis for the Ontology based Intelligent Information Retrieval using Non Monotonic Inference Logic using SPARQL2017/12/01
Definition of Object Constraint Language Rules in Models to Support the Development of Android Applications2018/02/01
Applications of Nature-Inspired Algorithms in Different Aspects of Semantic Web2018/02/01
Topology Control Using Efficient Power Management2011/04/01
Chronological Advancement in Image Processing from Lime Stone Mofits to Superpixel Classification2015/11/01
Energy Efficiency Analysis of a TR-UWB System2016/01/01
The Human Facial Expression Classification Using the Center Kernel Subspace based the Ridge Regression2015/11/01
Static Hand Gestures: Fingertips Detection Based on Segmented Images2015/12/01
Encouraging High School Student Interest in Computing Studies in GCC: UAE Case Study2015/11/01
Parameter Settings for New Generational Genetic Algorithms for Solving Global Optimization Problems2015/11/01
Impact of Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms in a VANET2015/12/01
Application of Platform Models in Model Driven Engineering of Embedded Software2015/12/01
Comparative Study of the Quality Assessment Tools Based on a Model: Sonar, Squale, EvalMetrics2016/01/01
Enhanced Preemptive Global Utility Accrual Real Time Scheduling Algorithms in Multicore Environment2015/12/01
Integrating a Repairing-based Genetic Algorithm-Neighborhood Search Structure in Solving the Course Timetabling Problem2016/10/01
IPv6 Transition Mechanism on UKMNet Network Environment2016/11/01
Optimizing {0, 1, 3}-NAF Recoding Algorithm Using Block-Method Technique in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem2016/11/01
Novel Apache Spark based Algorithm to Solve Dirichlet Problem for Poisson Equation in 3D Computational Domain2016/10/01
Structural Geodesic-Tchebychev Transform: An Image Similarity Measure for Face Recognition2016/09/01