Quebec Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On Deadly and Saving Sorrows: Three Observations on Criticism in Quebec1997/10/01English1
Quebec Sovereignty and the Challenge of Linguistic and Ethnocultural Minorities: Identity, Difference and the Politics of Ressentiment1997/10/01English1
The Sore Winners1997/10/01English1
Québec's Language Laws and the Allophone Community: Toward a Morphology of Contemporary Québec Society1987/01/01English1
Defining a Minority: A Bibliographic Sketch of English Québec History2013/09/01English1
The Future Political Status of Québec: Implications For U.S.-Québec Economic Relations1993/04/01English1
Présentation: En quoi la littérature québécoise est-elle postcoloniale?2003/04/01English1
Note to Contributors1993/04/01English1
D'Hier À Aujourd'hui: Petite Histoire Sociale du Journalisme au Québec1994/04/01English1
Du Téléroman De Cuisine Au Supermarché Médiatique: L'Évolution Du Téléroman Québécois Depuis 19801994/04/01English1
The Last Interview: Gabrielle Roy1986/01/01English1
Québec and Nafta: Free Trade and the Future of Sovereignty-Association1994/10/01English1
The 1994 Quebec Provincial Elections: Party Realignment, Independence Referendum, or More of the Same1994/10/01English1
Postmaterialism and the Crisis of Parties in Quebec: Party Workers between New Social Movement Activists and Party Supporters1997/10/01English1
The Development and Nationalization of Social Sciences in Quebec1986/01/01English1
Quebec's Successful Role as Champion of North American Free Trade1994/10/01English1
Foreword: Two Years After the Referendum: Whither Quebec?1997/10/01English1
When the Stakes Are High: The Changing Nature of Political Education in Quebec1997/10/01English1
Québec and Foreign Policy: Overseas Options for a Province in a Federal System1993/10/01English1
Entre Le Coq Et L'Aigle: La Réception Des Films De Gilles Carle En France Et Aux États-Unis1993/10/01English1
The Spiral As Möbius Strip: Inside/Outside Le Désert Mauve1994/10/01English1
The Economic and Political Ideas of Honoré Beaugrand in Jeanne la Fileuse1983/04/01English1
In Good Times and in Bad: Comparing the Effect of Short-Term Economic Perceptions on Support for Independence in Quebec under Different Economic Conditions1997/10/01English1
Les Pays du nouveau monde, le postcolonialisme de consensus, et le catholicisme québécois2003/04/01English1
Mouvement des femmes et questions identitaires dans le Québec contemporain1997/10/01English1
Québec Feminists Look Back: Inventing the Text Through History1983/04/01English1
Economic Development Policy in Québec and the Challenges of A Continental Economy1993/04/01English1
The 1995 Quebec Referendum - How the Sovereignty Partnership Proposal Turned the Campaign Around1997/10/01English1
Restructuring in Response to the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: The Case of Québec Cities1993/10/01English1
La Décentralisation comme politique régionale1997/10/01English1