Computer Networks

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Optimal information dispersal for probabilistic latency targets2001/08/01English
Using Memex to archive and mine community Web browsing experience2000/06/01English
Electronic business systems2001/10/01English
A pragmatic approach to service interaction filtering between call control services2002/04/01English
The nature of a useable PKI1999/04/01English
Two-way broadband CATV-HFC networks: state-of-the-art and future trends1999/02/01English
A genetic agent-based negotiation system2001/10/01English
Admission control for wireless multimedia networks with hard call level quality of service bounds1999/01/01English
Mobility-based predictive call admission control and bandwidth reservation in wireless cellular networks2002/04/01English
Wireless networking2001/09/01English
M2RT: A tool developed for predicting the mean message response time of communication channels in sizeable networks exemplified by the Internet2001/08/01English
Topology information condensation in hierarchical networks1999/09/01English
Pervasive computing: Hogwarts, StarTrek, reality and back2001/03/01English
Parlay-based service engineering in a converged Internet–PSTN environment2001/04/01English
Authenticating public terminals1999/04/01English
Analysis of a general limited scheduling mechanism for a distributed communication system1999/08/01English
May the privacy be with us: Correlated differential privacy in location data for ITS2024/03/01English
TTL model for an LRU-based similarity caching policy2024/03/01English
Comparative analysis of 2D mesh topologies with additional communication links for on-chip networks2024/03/01English
INTaaS: Provisioning In-band Network Telemetry as a service via online learning2024/03/01English
Meet in the air: Distributed neighbor discovery in 3D networks with directional transceivers2024/03/01English
Defending SDN against packet injection attacks using deep learning2023/10/01English
Open-access millimeter-wave software-defined radios in the PAWR COSMOS testbed: Design, deployment, and experimentation2023/10/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Applying Blockchain consensus mechanisms to Network Service Federation: Analysis and performance evaluation2023/10/01English
Irregular repetition slotted Aloha with multiuser detection: A density evolution analysis2023/10/01English
Editorial: Pub/sub solutions for interoperable and dynamic IoT systems2023/10/01English