International Feminist Journal of Politics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Feminist praxis, citizenship and informal politics: Reflections on South Africa's anti-eviction campaign2006/06/01English51
The Imperative of Male Inclusion: How Institutional Context Influences World Bank Gender Policy2007/08/14English50
Institutionalizing Intersectionality in the European Union?2009/12/01English49
Empire, Desire and Violence: A Queer Transnational Feminist Reading of the Prisoner ‘Abuse’ in Abu Ghraib and the Question of ‘Gender Equality’2007/03/01English47
Outsourcing Patriarchy2013/03/01English47
The Post-Washington Consensus and Economic Representations of Women in Development at the World Bank2003/11/01English47
The gender turn in diplomacy: a new research agenda2018/07/06English47
A Gender Gap Not Closed by Quotas2008/09/01English44
“This Is Our Gender Person”2014/07/21English44
Shouting from the Bottom of the Well The Impact of International Trials for Wartime Rape on Women's Agency2004/01/01English43
Where Women Rebel2015/04/01English42
From intergovernmental negotiations to (sub)national change2005/09/01English42
An Unten(ur)able Position : The Politics of Teaching for Women of Color in the US2002/01/01English41
War is where the hearth is: gendered labor and the everyday reproduction of the geopolitical in the army reserves2018/03/19English40
Bodies of technology2005/03/01English39
Gender and Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe2003/01/01English39
The Emerging Global Gender Equality Regime from Neoliberal and Constructivist Perspectives in International Relations2004/01/01English38
Of exceptions and continuities: theory and methodology in research on conflict-related sexual violence2017/10/02English36
Configurations of Post-Conflict: Impacts of Representations of Conflict and Post-Conflict upon the (Political) Translations of Gender Security within UNSCR 13252011/12/01English36
Motherhood, Myth and Gendered Agency in Political Violence2012/03/01English36
Gender Quotas – Controversial But Trendy2008/09/01English36
Drone Disorientations2015/07/03English35
The co-optation of feminisms: a research agenda2017/04/03English35
The Gender Politics of Celebrity Humanitarianism in Africa2011/03/01English35
Mapping Strategic Engagements: WOMEN'S MOVEMENTS AND THE STATE2007/08/14English34
Interrogating ‘Gender’ in Development Policy and Practice2010/03/01English33
Gendering Global Governance2004/01/01English33
Globalization as Racialized, Sexualized Violence2008/06/01English33
Trafficking in Women2003/04/01English33
Syrian refugee men as objects of humanitarian care2019/08/04English33