Educational Research and Reviews

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Hydrodynamics of a multistage wet scrubber incineration conditions2012/03/19
Challenges and strategies of working with learners with low vision: Implications for teacher training2012/03/12
A cost benefits analysis of international education: A case of Zimbabwean students in South Africa2012/03/05
Factors influencing African postgraduate international students’ choice of South Africa as a study destination2012/03/19
Secondary school students’ attitudes towards Mathematics computer – assisted instruction environment in Kenya2012/03/05
Re-thinking school-university collaboration: Agenda for the 21st century2012/03/19
Impact of intervention on learning abilities of institutional children2012/03/05
A chronological approach to development of social studies education in Turkey2011/10/19
Motivation and career aspirations of female students studying science at Achimota School in Accra, Ghana2012/07/11
Measuring pre-service master’s of school administrator’s candidates’ social capital as a predictor of culturally responsive leadership2012/07/11
Teacher - student relatıonshıps across teachıng careers of Turkısh EFL teachers2014/10/23
The effect of recreational activities on self-esteem development of girls in adolescence2014/10/23
The relationship between anxiety and attitude of students learning Turkish as a foreign language and their achievement on target language2014/10/23
Opinions of secondary school mathematics teachers on mathematical modelling2014/10/10
The difficulties of the bilingual social sciences teacher candidates in educational activities: A case of Agri Ibrahim Cecen University2014/11/10
EFL teachers self-initiated professional development: Perceptions and practices2014/11/10
The effects of principals loneliness in the workplace on their self-performance2014/10/23
The effect of supporting questions on childrens emerging writing skills2014/10/23
Trait anxiety levels of university students studying at sports departments2014/10/23
An Interaction of learning and teaching styles influencing mathematic achievements of ninth-grade students: A multilevel approach2014/10/10
The development of will perception scale and practice in a psycho-education program with its validity and reliability2014/11/10
The use of art activities in social studies classes2014/10/23
Teacher candidates comprehension of first and high order quantifiers2014/10/10
The effect of school type on intimidation (mobbing) experienced by teachers in schools: A meta-analysis2014/10/23
The examination of the correlation between social physique anxiety levels and narcissism levels of the students who studied at the SPES2014/10/10
Teacher trainers and trainees perceptions, practices, and constraints to active learning methods: The case of English Department in Bahir Dar University2014/10/23
Perceived influence of parenting styles over irrational belief in romantic relations2014/10/23
Developing attitude towards cultural heritage scale: A validity and reliability study2014/10/23
The effect of letter-writing activities for learning purposes on the students learning of the science course and scientific attitude2014/10/10
Knowledge inertia and organizational learning as the explanation of organizational performance2014/11/10