Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Chinese engagement in Africa and Latin America: does it matter for state capacity?2018/07/04English3
The global debt governance system for developing countries: deficiencies and reform proposals2017/11/02English3
Using the concept of hybridity to guide social change through legal means2017/07/04English3
Educational decentralisation in post-conflict societies: approaches and constraints2016/11/01English3
What place for East and West? Discourses, reality and foreign and security policies of post-Yugoslav small states2016/01/02English3
(Dis)ability and development in Haiti: beyond one-dimensional views2016/05/03English3
The politics of pleasure in girl-centred sport for development programming2017/01/02English3
‘Custom’ and fractured ‘community’: mining, property disputes and law on the platinum belt, South Africa2016/03/03English3
Growing South-South agribusiness connections: Brazil’s policy coalitions reach Southern Africa2016/09/02English3
Power, predation, and postwar state formation: the public discourse of ritual child rape in Liberia2017/04/21English3
Canada’s responses to disability and global development2016/05/03English3
Mountain-bodies, experiential wisdom: the Kallawayacosmovisiónand climate change adaptation2017/05/04English3
Transnational conversations in the context of disability rights: building the potential for global activism2016/05/03English3
Between threat and infantilisation: how frames impede the meaningful participation of the disaster affected in Haiti2018/11/02English3
What drives post-war crime? Evidence from illicit economies in Liberia and Sierra Leone2017/11/30English3
Hybridity and boundary-making: exploring the politics of hybridisation2017/07/04English3
China and the decaying of socialist rentierism in Venezuela: instability and the prevalence of non-interventionism2018/07/04English3
Resistance to international democracy promotion in Morocco and Tunisia2017/09/03English3
Sovereignty, vulnerability, and a gendered resistance in Indian-occupied Kashmir2018/03/04English3
Class, cash and control in the South Sudan and Darfur borderlands2022/07/31English3
Tribal engagement strategies in the Islamic Emirate of Azawad2021/05/04English3
The role of power for non-state armed groups in cities: marginalised spaces and transitions from armed conflict2019/05/04English3
A decolonial reading of the Punjabi (m)other in British Asian literature2019/09/03English3
Rural women with disabilities in post-conflict zones: the forgotten sisters of Australia’s disability-inclusive development2016/05/03English3
Dar es Salaam on the Frontline: Red and Black Internationalisms2022/11/02English3
Zimbabwe’s consolidation as a gatekeeper state2018/03/08English3
Intersectionality applied to the study of global economy: the case of workers in relocated industries in Morocco2019/01/02English3
Gatekeeping practices in global environmental politics: African biopolitics and oil assemblages in Nigeria2018/05/04English3
Hegemonic power networks and institutional configuration for illicit purposes2018/07/04English3
The role of culture in climate adaptation: ‘thenkanyambacaused that storm’2017/05/04English3