Philosophy and Literature

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Is There A Critic In The House?1997/10/01English
Poststructural Theorizing and Hollow Dialectic2000/10/01English
The Invention of Literary Subjectivity (review)2000/10/01English
Militarism, Teaching and Morality1998/04/01English
Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics (review)1996/04/01English
Ethics Without Exit: Levinas and Murdoch2003/10/01English
Logics of Failed Revolt: French Theory After May '68 (review)1997/04/01English
Genet (review)1995/04/01English
"A Woman's Thought Runs Before Her Actions": Vows as Speech Acts in As You Like It2006/10/01English
Live or Tell2006/10/01English
Science Wars and Beyond2006/10/01English
The Implicit Soul of Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation2006/10/01English
Is Oedipus Smart?2006/10/01English
Strange Concepts and the Stories they Make Possible (review)2009/04/01English
Literature, Science, and the New Humanities (review)2009/04/01English
Prufrock's Question and Roquentin's Answer2009/04/01English
Philosophy of Literature (review)2009/04/01English
One True Ring or Many?: Religious Pluralism in Lessing's Nathan the Wise2009/04/01English
Appreciating Susan Sontag2009/04/01English
The Gray Zone2009/04/01English
Pathologies of Pride in Camus's The Fall2004/04/01English
Why Poe? Why Not Peirce?2005/10/01English
Cavellian Conversation and the Life of Art2005/10/01English
Oedipus the King: Temperament, Character, and Virtue2005/10/01English
Varieties and Valences of Unsayability2005/10/01English
Philosophy as Fiction: Self, Deception, and Knowledge in Proust (review)2005/10/01English
Things Merely Are: Philosophy in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens (review)2005/10/01English
Wittgenstein's Preface2005/10/01English
Love, Self-Deception, and the Moral "Must"2005/10/01English
Living Alone: Solipsism in Heart of Darkness2005/10/01English