Agriculture and Human Values

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Battlefields of ideas: changing narratives and power dynamics in private standards in global agricultural value chains2014/06/05English54
Food education as food literacy: privatized and gendered food knowledge in contemporary Japan2010/09/06English54
Capturing the Sustainability Agenda: Organic Foods and Media Discourses on Food Scares, Environment, Genetic Engineering, and Health2006/07/09English53
Hands off but Strings Attached: The Contradictions of Policy-induced Demand-driven Agricultural Extension2006/06/01English53
Constructing freshness: the vitality of wet markets in urban China2019/10/17English52
Participatory guarantee systems and the re-imagining of Mexico’s organic sector2015/06/09English51
The long hangover from the second food regime: a world-historical interpretation of the collapse of the WTO Doha Round2009/07/31English51
Promises of meat and milk alternatives: an integrative literature review on emergent research themes2021/01/30English51
Fairtrade, certification, and labor: global and local tensions in improving conditions for agricultural workers2014/04/30English51
Diversity in agricultural technology adoption: How are automatic milking systems used and to what end?2014/08/27English51
Local agro-ecological knowledge and its relationship to farmers’ pest management decision making in rural Honduras2007/04/25English51
Food waste reduction and food poverty alleviation: a system dynamics conceptual model2019/02/09English50
Gender discrimination and its impact on income, productivity, and technical efficiency: evidence from Benin2008/10/17English50
Cultural styles of participation in farmers’ discussions of seasonal climate forecasts in Uganda2010/01/21English50
New but for whom? Discourses of innovation in precision agriculture2021/07/14English50
The role of culture in farmer learning and technology adoption: A case study of farmer field schools among rice farmers in central Luzon, Philippines2006/11/17English50
The contribution of transformative learning theory to the practice of participatory research and extension: Theoretical reflections2005/06/01English49
Understanding the public attitudinal acceptance of digital farming technologies: a nationwide survey in Germany2020/09/02English49
Post COVID 19 and food pathways to sustainable transformation2020/05/18English49
What difference does income make for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) members in California? Comparing lower-income and higher-income households2016/11/03English49
Luxus Consumption: Wasting Food Resources Through Overeating2006/03/01English49
Discussion: moving food regimes forward: reflections on symposium essays2009/08/06English49
Cultivating citizenship, equity, and social inclusion? Putting civic agriculture into practice through urban farming2016/05/06English48
Introduction to the symposium2014/06/05English48
What would farmers do? Adaptation intentions under a Corn Belt climate change scenario2016/08/11English48
Governments, grassroots, and the struggle for local food systems: containing, coopting, contesting and collaborating2016/11/29English48
The triple burden: the impact of time poverty on women’s participation in coffee producer organizational governance in Mexico2016/06/28English48
Independence and individualism: conflated values in farmer cooperation?2014/07/15English48
Strategies for scaling out impacts from agricultural systems change: the case of forages and livestock production in Laos2009/02/27English47
A half century of Holistic Management: what does the evidence reveal?2020/01/23English46