Agriculture and Human Values

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multiple aspects of unnaturalness: are cisgenic crops perceived as being more natural and more acceptable than transgenic crops?2013/02/02English46
How knowledge deficit interventions fail to resolve beginning farmer challenges2017/10/07English46
From colonization to “environmental soy”: A case study of environmental and socio-economic valuation in the Amazon soy frontier2007/01/30English46
Family farming and gendered division of labour on the move: a typology of farming-family configurations2016/02/12English46
Designing sustainable agriculture education: Academics’ suggestions for an undergraduate curriculum at a land grant university2007/08/23English45
Financialization in agri-food supply chains: private equity and the transformation of the retail sector2012/11/23English45
Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms2013/10/31English45
The local industrial complex? Questioning the link between local foods and energy use2008/01/22English45
Still a time to act: A review of institutional marketing of regionally-grown food2007/12/19English44
The private governance of food: equitable exchange or bizarre bazaar?2009/07/28English44
Food sovereignty or the human right to adequate food: which concept serves better as international development policy for global hunger and poverty reduction?2012/01/22English44
Emerging sociotechnical imaginaries for gene edited crops for foods in the United States: implications for governance2019/09/05English44
Continuity and Change in Pastoral Livelihoods of Senegalese Fulani2006/06/01English43
Importing Corn, Exporting Labor: The Neoliberal Corn Regime, GMOs, and the Erosion of Mexican Biodiversity2006/03/01English43
Eating Outside the Box: FoodShare’s Good Food Box and the Challenge of Scale2005/09/01English43
Urban agriculture and the prospects for deep democracy2015/02/04English42
Non-governmental organizations, strategic bridge building, and the “scientization” of organic agriculture in Kenya2007/10/31English42
Regarding biocultural heritage: in situ political ecology of agricultural biodiversity in the Peruvian Andes2013/01/30English42
Adoption of new technologies by smallholder farmers: the contributions of extension, research institutes, cooperatives, and access to cash for improving tef production in Ethiopia2018/05/11English42
Attitudes, beliefs, and prevalence of dumpster diving as a means to obtain food by Midwestern, low-income, urban dwellers2005/06/01English42
Adventurous food futures: knowing about alternatives is not enough, we need to feel them2015/07/15English42
Shifting configurations of shopping practices and food safety dynamics in Hanoi, Vietnam: a historical analysis2015/09/01English41
Shopping for change? Neoliberalizing activism and the limits to eating non-GMO2007/08/08English41
Can public GAP standards reduce agricultural pesticide use? The case of fruit and vegetable farming in northern Thailand2012/06/12English41
Buying local organic food: a pathway to transformative learning2009/08/04English41
Social capital dimensions in household food security interventions: implications for rural Uganda2017/06/12English41
The labor of terroir and the terroir of labor: Geographical Indication and Darjeeling tea plantations2013/06/15English41
Exploring the conventionalization of organic dairy: trends and counter-trends in upstate New York2008/11/26English41
The “Prevention Paradox”: food waste prevention and the quandary of systemic surplus production2020/01/22English41
Can resilience thinking provide useful insights for those examining efforts to transform contemporary agriculture?2014/02/05English40