
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Democratization in Africa 1990–2010: an assessment2011/03/28English68
Health care and democratization in Indonesia2014/02/26English67
Not all good things go together: conflicting objectives in democracy promotion2012/06/01English67
Perverse state formation and securitized democracy in Latin America2010/03/10English67
What is a ‘good’ democracy?2004/01/01English65
Political and ideological aspects in the measurement of democracy: the Freedom House case2010/01/15English65
Mapping ‘Hybrid Regimes’: Regime Types and Concepts in Comparative Politics2008/04/01English64
International actors and democracy promotion in central and eastern Europe: the integration model and its limits2004/01/01English61
Dealing with populists in government: a framework for analysis2015/09/17English59
Rethinking civil society2003/08/01English59
Studying a negative external actor: Russia's management of stability and instability in the ‘Near Abroad’2009/09/21English58
How can opposition support authoritarianism? Lessons from Egypt2005/06/01English57
State of the world 2019: autocratization surges – resistance grows2020/05/18English57
The enfranchisement of citizens abroad: variations and explanations2015/02/03English56
“Keeping Pandora's (ballot) box half-shut”: a comparative inquiry into the institutional limits of external voting in EU Member States2015/03/25English53
Consociational settlements in deeply divided societies: the liberal-corporate distinction2012/12/24English53
Party research: Western European bias and the ‘African labyrinth’2004/06/01English52
Beyond the fallacy of coup-ism: conceptualizing civilian control of the military in emerging democracies2010/10/01English52
Ideology after the end of ideology. China and the quest for autocratic legitimation2013/01/01English52
Democratization at the grassroots: the European Union's external impact2012/04/01English52
Does democracy reduce corruption?2015/10/13English52
Liberalization, transition and consolidation: measuring the components of democratization2004/01/01English52
Morphing the Demos into the right shape. Normative principles for enfranchising resident aliens and expatriate citizens2015/02/11English52
Pernicious polarization, autocratization and opposition strategies2021/01/12English51
Democracy promotion and the challenges of illiberal regional powers: introduction to the special issue2015/02/25English51
Taking stock of civil-society development in post-communist Europe: Evidence from the Czech Republic2005/08/01English51
Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation in Africa2002/09/01English50
Democracy, autocracy and the news: the impact of regime type on media freedom2015/03/26English50
Political Engineering and Party Politics in Conflict-Prone Societies2006/12/01English50
Democratizing democracy: Feminist perspectives2005/12/01English50