Izvestiya of Altai State University

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Aging of Polymer Composites in Extremely Cold Climates2020/03/0610
Thermodynamic Justification of Chemical Reactions in the System B4C — boratic Flux — Fe at RF-Heating2014/01/016
Artificial Intelligence: Legal Aspects2018/01/015
Glacial-Permafrost Stone Formations of Central Altai2013/01/015
Application of Fractional Order Derivatives for Solving Problems of Continuum Mechanics2014/01/014
Homogeneous Invariant Ricci Solitons on Four-dimensional Lie Groups2015/01/014
Physico-Mechanical, Chemical and Statistical Aspects of Acoustic Emission2019/01/014
Первая всеобщая перепись населения Российской империи 1897 г.: обзор нормативных документов2019/12/134
The Model of the Blended Learning in the System of the Higher Education2014/01/014
On Global Solvability of a Problem of a Viscous Liquid Motion in a Deformable Viscous Porous Medium2020/03/064
Национально-территориальное размежевание в Средней Азии в 1924 г.: причины и влияние на этнополитические процессы в регионе2019/06/063
Численное решение одномерной задачи фильтрации несжимаемой жидкости в вязкой пористой среде2018/09/143
Необратимые деформации вращающегося цилиндра2018/09/143
Метод поиска экстремальных наблюдений в задаче нечеткой регрессии2018/09/143
Gradients of Structure, Phase Composition, and Dislocation Substructure of Rails under the Ultra Long-Term Operation2022/03/183
Clerics Statements as a Source for the Study of Kolyvano- Voskresensky (Altay) Mountain District Parish Clergy2014/01/013
The Role of Fairs in the Development of Fur Trade (North-Eastern Siberia in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Centuries)2014/01/013
Plaque of the Mythological Subject from Central Kazakhstan2014/01/013
The Variety of Phytoliths of Species of the Genus Setaria in the South of Western Siberia2013/01/013
Effect of Vehicles on the Accumulation of Lead and Zinc in Soils and their Biological Absorption by Soft Wheat (Trticum aestivum) in Roadside Agricultural Lands (in the Alei Zone, Altai Territory)2013/01/013
Winter Food of Musk Deer (Moschus Moschiferus Linnaeus, 1758) on the Tukuringra Range2013/01/013
The Development of Stress-resistant Stock of Spring Bread Wheat by in Vitro Cell Selection2013/01/013
The Study of Rhizogenes of Potato Varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.) in vitro2013/01/013
Mathematical Modeling of the Thermocapillary Fluid Flows in a Thin Layer with Evaporation2014/01/013
Composite Materials Based оn Epoxy Resin and Nanoparticles2014/01/013
Software Systems for Algorithmization of Numerical Solution of Continuum Mechanics Problems2014/01/013
Patriotic Education in Post-Soviet De Facto States: Identities and Practices2021/12/153
Migration of Altai Territory Population: Retrospective Analysis2018/06/083
Трехмерные локально симметрические (псевдо)римановы многообразия с векторным кручением и нулевым тензором кривизны2019/09/123
The Influence of Environmental Factors on the Formation of Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) Pollen in Urban Ecosystems2014/01/012