Ilahiyat Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Practical Theology and Its Importance for Islamic Theological Studies2014/12/304
İbn Hazm: Uluslararası Katılımlı İbn Hazm Sempozyumu – Bildiri ve Müza-kere Metinleri – [Ibn Ḥazm: Proceedings of International Symposium on Ibn Ḥazm], by Süleyman Sayar and Muhammet Tarakçı (eds.)2010/01/013
Suffering for the sake of Cosmic Order: Twelver Shīʿah Islam’s Coping With Trauma2017/06/243
Sunnī-Shīʿī Interaction in the Early Period – The Transition of the Chains of Ahl al-Sunna to the Shīʿa –2015/06/303
On the "Psychological Dialectic" of al-Ghazālī Regarding Philosophers, or Did Ibn Sīnā Drink Wine?2019/11/272
Jews in the Qurʾān: An Evaluation of the Naming and the Content2016/12/312
Teaching Religion at Turkish Public Schools: A Theme Oscillating between Faith, Culture, and Politics2020/12/312
Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdī’s Universalist Interpretation of Islam2017/06/241
An Analysis of the Content of Waḥdat al-Wujūd: the Relationship between Essence and Existence2014/12/301
Kenosis (Self-Limitation of God): A Philosophical and Theological Approach2014/06/301
Der Eine und das Andere: Beobachtungen an islamischen häresiographischen Texten, by Josef van Ess2013/06/011
Understanding the Discourse of ‘Alī Jum’ah on the Military Coup during the Arab Spring in Egypt2019/12/311
Mullā Ṣadrā’s Political Legacy: Ṣadrā’s Theory of Justice and the Religio-Political Authority in Post-Revolutionary Iran2020/12/311
Traditionist Internal Reform: Motives behind the Birth of the First Manual of ʿUlūm al-Ḥadīth2020/12/311
The Interaction of Religion and Robotics and al-Sāmirī’s Calf (the Golden Calf) as an Early Theomorphic Robot2023/07/311
Change in the Modern Practice of Ijtihād: The Case of Islamic Finance2012/01/011
Validating the Persian Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale within an Islamic Context2012/01/011
The Headscarf Problem in Turkey in the Context of Discussions on Freedom2013/12/251
The Digi-Image Age and the Issue of Genericization of Truth in the Context of Comparative Religion2021/12/311
Reflection of Qāḍīzādelīs-Khalwatīs Tension on the Islamic Heresiography: Muṣṭafá ibn Ibrāhīm and His Alphabetical Classification of Sects2018/12/281
Formation and Consequences of the Conversion Process: A Qualitative Study of Adult Converts2019/12/311
A History of Ottoman Political Thought up to the Early Nineteenth Century, by Marinos Sariyannis2019/12/311
Finding al-Fārābī in The Walking Dead2018/06/131
Khurūj in Contemporary Islamic Thought: The Case of the “Arab Spring”2016/06/301
A Reading in the Applied Ibāḍī Fiqh of International Relations: The Directive of Imām al-Ṣalt (d. 275/888) to His Army Concerning Socotra2019/11/271
On the Revelation Circumstances and General Emphases of Sūrat al-Aḥzāb: An Analysis within the Scope of Textual and Non-textual Context2016/06/301
Shāfiʿī Uṣūl Thought in Late Third-Century AH: Edition, Translation and Interpretation of Chapters on Uṣūl al-fiqh in al-Wadāʾiʿ by Ibn Surayj (d. 306/918)2016/06/301
On the Probability of the Creation of the Ibn Taymiyya School of Ottoman Thought via Birgiwī Mehmed Efendi - A Critical Approach –2015/12/311
A Critical Analysis of Existential Security Theory2017/12/291
Bridging Pastoral Psychology and Positive Psychology2018/12/281