Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Damage features and dynamic formation mechanism of the Tangjiashan landslide triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake with a composite hypocenter2023/07/06English
Assessing seismicity in Bangladesh: an application of Guttenberg-Richter relationship and spectral analysis2023/08/21English
Coal burst mechanism in large-scale panel under extra-thick key strata2024/04/29English
Geotechnical assessment of seismicity and liquefaction potential at the Banarli landfill in Tekirdag, Turkey2024/04/29English
An improvement of wind gust estimate (WGE) method for squall lines2022/04/17English
Vents opening susceptibility map of the Colli Albani long dormant volcano2023/05/27English
Seismic potential in the southeastern margin of Bayanhar block after 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake, China – insight from stress evolution and earthquake probability estimation2023/06/25English
Evaluating the double-kernel smoothing technique of blending TRMM and gauge data to identify flood events in the Xiangjiang River Basin, China2023/06/12English
Mechanical properties and dynamic breaking mechanism of plateau frozen soil2023/01/06English
Machine learning and SHAP-based susceptibility assessment of storm flood in rapidly urbanizing areas: a case study of Shenzhen, China2024/02/08English
Evaluation of blasting parameters for hydraulic tunnels based on multiple monitoring information2024/02/08English
Spatial-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of wildfire occurrence and correlation with WUI presence in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China2023/11/21English
Theoretical unloading fracture mechanism and stability analysis of the slope rock masses in open-pit mines2023/11/01English
Random forest-based multi-hazard loss estimation using hypothetical data at seismic and tsunami monitoring networks2023/11/01English
Revisiting the seismic hazards of faults surrounding the 2022 Ms6.8 Luding earthquake, Sichuan, China2023/10/23English
Present-day crustal deformation based on GPS measurements in southeastern Tibetan Plateau: implications for geodynamics and earthquake hazard2023/11/29English
Fracture and control technology of hard and thick rock in mining engineering2023/12/01English
Landslide susceptibility mapping in the Adwa Volcanic Mountain Plugs, Northern Ethiopia: a comparative analysis of frequency ratio and analytical hierarchy process methods2023/11/15English
Multimodal Asynchronous Kalman Filter for monitoring unstable rock slopes2023/11/02English
Modified Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index: spatiotemporal analysis of drought2023/04/05English
Tracking surface and subsurface deformation associated with groundwater dynamics following the 2019 Mirpur earthquake2023/04/03English
New assessment of the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the greater Jakarta area, Indonesia2023/04/20English
Study on the socioeconomic and climatic effects of forest fire incidence in the Changbai Mountain area based on a cross-classified multilevel model2023/03/23English
Machine learning model for building seismic peak roof drift ratio assessment2023/02/28English
Study on the geoelectric index (GEI): taking the geoelectric field observation in mainland China as an example2023/02/10English
Structural height, amplification and damages during the superficial earthquakes at Casamicciola, Ischia Island (2017), and Santa Venerina, Catania (2018), Italy2023/02/23English
Evaluation and analysis of statistical and coupling models for highway landslide susceptibility2023/01/23English
Coupling of horizontal joint and topography effects on seismic response of a single face slope2024/01/12English
Estimation of changes in runoff and its sources in response to future climate change in a critical zone of the Karakoram mountainous region, Pakistan in the near and far future2023/12/26English
Characteristics of spatio-temporal distribution of frost/snow disasters in North China during 1644–19112022/02/20English