Gender & Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Re-thinking gender mainstreaming in African NGOs and communities2005/07/01English34
War and security, women and gender: an overview of the issues2013/11/01English33
Human rights or wrongs? The struggle for a rights-based response to trafficking in human beings2002/03/01English33
The Noel Kempff project in Bolivia: Gender, power, and decision-making in climate mitigation2002/07/01English33
‘Eventually the mine will come’: women anti-mining activists’ everyday resilience in opposing resource extraction in the Andes2015/09/02English33
Education for women's empowerment or schooling for women's subordination?1998/07/01English33
Women's economic inequality and domestic violence: exploring the links and empowering women2015/05/04English33
The use and abuse of female domestic workers from Sri Lanka in Lebanon1998/03/01English32
Workers on the move: Seasonal migration and changing social relations in rural India1998/03/01English31
Thewariasof Indonesia in disaster risk reduction: the case of the 2010 Mt Merapi eruption in Indonesia2012/06/25English31
Transforming gender roles in domestic and caregiving work: preliminary findings from engaging fathers in maternal, newborn, and child health in Rwanda2014/09/02English31
Microfinance from the point of view of women with disabilities: lessons from Zambia and Zimbabwe2004/05/01English31
Reconstructing fragile lives: Girls' social reintegration in northern Uganda and Sierra Leone2004/11/01English31
'At my age I should be sitting under that tree': The impact of AIDS on Tanzanian lakeshore communities2000/07/01English31
Counting for something! Recognising women's contribution to the global economy through alternative accounting systems2003/05/01English30
Gender, poverty, and intergenerational vulnerability to HIV/AIDS2002/11/01English30
Poverty, HIV, and barriers to education: Street children's experiences in Tanzania2002/11/01English30
Institutions, organisations and gender equality in an era of globalisation2003/05/01English30
Gender, water, and climate change in Sonora, Mexico: implications for policies and programmes on agricultural income-generation2009/02/18English30
Mainstreaming gender in the WASH sector: dilution or distillation?2017/05/04English30
Planning from below: using feminist participatory methods to increase women's participation in urban planning2015/01/02English29
Approaching old problems in new ways: community mobilisation as a primary prevention strategy to combat violence against women2007/02/20English29
Transforming gender relations through water, sanitation, and hygiene programming and monitoring in Vietnam2017/05/04English29
‘Breaking the silence around menstruation’: experiences of adolescent girls in an urban setting in India2017/05/04English28
It buys food but does it change gender relations? Child Support Grants in Soweto, South Africa2011/07/01English28
The Individual Deprivation Measure: measuring poverty as if gender and inequality matter2015/05/04English28
Building gendered approaches to adaptation in the Pacific2009/02/19English28
Women entrepreneurs in Nepal: what prevents them from leading the sector?2008/10/28English28
The gender dimensions of post-conflict reconstruction: An analytical framework for policymakers2004/11/01English27
‘Pink transportation’ in Mexico City: reclaiming urban space through collective action against gender-based violence2013/07/01English26