Gender equality and women's empowerment: A critical analysis of the third millennium development goal 1 | 2005/03/01 | English | 785 |
Climate change vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation: Why does gender matter? | 2002/07/01 | English | 291 |
Early female marriage in the developing world | 2003/07/01 | English | 239 |
No climate justice without gender justice: an overview of the issues | 2009/02/19 | English | 220 |
Fixing women or fixing the world? ‘Smart economics’, efficiency approaches, and gender equality in development | 2012/11/01 | English | 208 |
From the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: shifts in purpose, concept, and politics of global goal setting for development | 2016/01/02 | English | 184 |
Gender mainstreaming since Beijing: A review of success and limitations in international institutions | 2005/07/01 | English | 167 |
Menstrual hygiene in South Asia: a neglected issue for WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) programmes | 2010/02/25 | English | 156 |
Violence, rape, and sexual coercion: Ever yday love in a South African township | 1997/06/01 | English | 125 |
Overcoming the ‘tyranny of the urgent’: integrating gender into disease outbreak preparedness and response | 2019/05/04 | English | 125 |
Uncertain predictions, invisible impacts, and the need to mainstream gender in climate change adaptations | 2002/07/01 | English | 106 |
Gender and climate hazards in Bangladesh | 2002/07/01 | English | 101 |
Climate change and migration: a case study from rural Bangladesh | 2011/03/01 | English | 97 |
Resilience, power, culture, and climate: a case study from semi-arid Tanzania, and new research directions | 2009/02/20 | English | 88 |
Gender, poverty, and inequality: a brief history of feminist contributions in the field of international development | 2015/05/04 | English | 87 |
Who gets to choose? Coercion, consent, and the UN Trafficking Protocol | 2002/03/01 | English | 81 |
Is there life after gender mainstreaming? | 2005/07/01 | English | 79 |
Women rebuilding lives post-disaster: innovative community practices for building resilience and promoting sustainable development | 2015/09/02 | English | 79 |
Gender and the global economic crisis in developing countries: a framework for analysis | 2010/07/01 | English | 73 |
The 2030 Agenda: challenges of implementation to attain gender equality and women's rights | 2016/01/02 | English | 73 |
Climate change: Learning from gender analysis and women's experiences of organising for sustainable development | 2002/07/01 | English | 71 |
Feminist mobilisation and progressive policy change: why governments take action to combat violence against women | 2013/07/01 | English | 68 |
Power and the Sustainable Development Goals: a feminist analysis | 2016/01/02 | English | 66 |
Patriarchy and development in the Arab world | 1996/06/01 | English | 62 |
Lipstick evangelism: Avon trading circles and gender empowerment in South Africa | 2009/07/01 | English | 60 |
Cash transfers, gender equity and women's empowerment in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia | 2011/07/01 | English | 58 |
Pathways to empowerment? Reflections on microfinance and transformation in gender relations in South Asia | 2001/03/01 | English | 57 |
The global economic crisis, its gender and ethnic implications, and policy responses | 2010/07/01 | English | 57 |
‘One Man Can’: shifts in fatherhood beliefs and parenting practices following a gender-transformative programme in Eastern Cape, South Africa | 2013/03/01 | English | 55 |
Early marriage and poverty: exploring links and key policy issues | 2003/07/01 | English | 53 |