Aerospace Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Frequent high-utility sequential pattern mining algorithm for integrated architecture design of multi-platform mission system2022/01/20English
Investigation of the effects of angle of attack and tail deflection angle on the controlling tail flow field2020/10/19English
Effect of tip injection on the flow characteristics of an aeroengine compressor rotor2021/01/14English
Supersonic cruise flight of Vth generation fighters2018/11/21English
Increasing relative angular velocity for air combat in zero gravity2019/08/30English
Modeling hybrid polymer–nanometal lightweight structures2019/02/05English
Structural design and optimization of a morphing wing trailing edge flap2018/11/13English
Research on route planning based on performance constraints for UAS in battlefield2018/11/26English
Analysis of ridge ice induced unsteadiness flow under post-stall condition2022/01/21English
Enhancements for technique of stable low cycle fatigue crack propagation simulation for gas turbine engine2021/11/03English
Influence analysis of Waverider wake on the deflection rate of light2022/03/28English
Determination and analysis of roll and yaw rotary derivatives of wig vehicle using numerical simulation2022/11/28English
Airfoil optimization methodology and CFD validation for Mars atmospheric conditions2022/12/14English
The generalization of classical porkchop plot into 3D porkchop plot2022/12/10English
Attitude dynamic tracking control of an agile satellite using a fixed-structured H∞ synthesis method2020/11/11English
Future communication satellites: low cost reduction of technology obsolescence2021/08/25English
Sample efficient deep reinforcement learning for Diwata microsatellite reaction wheel attitude control2022/10/29English
Research on dynamic stall active control of two-dimensional airfoil with combination of droop leading edge and trailing edge flap2022/09/14English
Reducing of hydraulic losses at the hydraulic drive under helping loads2022/03/22English
Analysis of error induced by the Doppler effect in the ROSI beamforming for rotating sound source identification2022/02/17English
Three-axis high-accuracy spacecraft attitude estimation via sequential extended Kalman filtering of single-axis magnetometer measurements2023/04/28English
Prediction method for shear stability of composite hat-stringer stiffened panel2023/04/28English
Robust attitude consensus control of multi-spacecraft with stochastic link failure2023/04/28English
Numerical study of the hybrid rocket engine2024/03/11English
Manipulation of optimal size-weight project parameters of composite structurally anisotropic aircraft panels with restrictions according to the refined buckling theory2024/03/08English
Design of a novel artificial intelligence technique for Cube-Sat power budget calculations2024/03/04English
Design of rotation inducing rocket fins and their analysis for aerodynamic stability2024/03/30English
Vision-based heading estimation for navigation of a micro-aerial vehicle in GNSS-denied staircase environment using vanishing point2024/03/30English
Applications of deep learning to selected aerospace systems2024/04/08English
Fault diagnosis based on feature enhancement multiscale network under nonstationary conditions2024/04/08English