Physics Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Teaching Einsteinian physics at schools: part 1, models and analogies for relativity2017/09/2228
Investigating the conservation of mechanical energy using video analysis: four cases2009/12/2928
Teaching optical phenomena with Tracker2014/10/2828
The spinning disc: studying radial acceleration and its damping process with smartphone acceleration sensors2014/03/0128
History and quasi-history in physics education. I1979/03/0128
The siphon1971/09/0127
The death of the short-form physics essay in the coming AI revolution2023/04/0527
Understanding sound: so what is the problem?1992/09/0127
An empirical-mathematical modelling approach to upper secondary physics2008/04/1526
Rolling cylinder on a horizontal plane2001/04/2426
An attempt to overcome alternative conceptions related to heat and temperature1995/01/0126
Talking physics1982/11/0126
Measuring the speed of sound in air using smartphone applications2015/04/2325
Humanizing the teaching of physics through storytelling: the case of current electricity2005/12/2125
Energy and its carriers: a critical analysis1983/09/0125
Flipped physics2013/08/2224
Exploding balloons, deformed balls, strange reflections and breaking rods: slow motion analysis of selected hands-on experiments2011/06/2924
The story of force: from Aristotle to Einstein1994/03/0124
Ownership and transformation: teachers using curriculum innovations2002/02/1924
Teaching about radioactivity and ionising radiation: an alternative approach1990/11/0124
Charged poles?1985/11/0124
At what stage should energy be taught?1986/05/0124
Thermal cameras in school laboratory activities2015/06/1924
Developing students' physics problem-solving skills1997/05/0123
Cinema, Fermi problems and general education2007/04/2023
Toys in physics lectures and demonstrations—a brief review2008/12/1923
Nano goes to school: a teaching model of the atomic force microscope2007/12/1223
Thai high-school students’ misconceptions about and models of light refraction through a planar surface2009/12/2923
Rolling friction on a wheeled laboratory cart2012/04/1923
A simple spectrophotometer using common materials and a digital camera2011/05/0123