IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Joint Training of the Superimposed Direct and Reflected Links in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Multiuser Communications2022/06/011
Exploiting Benefits of IRS in Wireless Powered NOMA Networks2022/03/011
A UAV-Assisted Secure Communication System by Jointly Optimizing Transmit Power and Trajectory in the Internet of Things2023/12/011
Energy-Efficient Interference Cancellation in Integrated Sensing and Communication Scenarios2023/03/011
Starling Flocks-Inspired Resource Allocation for ISAC-Aided Green Ad Hoc Networks2023/03/011
Deep Learning-Based Improved Cascaded Channel Estimation and Signal Detection for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-Assisted MU-MISO Systems2023/09/011
Matching Game With No-Regret Learning for IoT Energy-Efficient Associations With UAV2020/12/011
An Enhanced Methodology for Energy-Efficient Interdependent Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks2020/12/011
Differential Game for Resource Allocation in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks2020/12/011
Temperature-Aware Virtual Data Center Embedding to Avoid Hot Spots in Data Centers2021/03/011
PV Cell Orientation Angles Optimization for a Base Station Equipped With Several PV Cells2020/03/011
FedNILM: Applying Federated Learning to NILM Applications at the Edge2023/06/011
Cooperative Game-Based Charging-Discharging Efficiency Optimization of Electric Vehicles in 6G-Enabled V2G2023/06/011
Sustainable Maintenance of Connected Dominating Set by Solar Energy Harvesting for IoT Networks2022/12/011
Energy Efficient AP Selection for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems: Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach2023/03/011
Energy Efficiency Maximization Under Minimum Rate Constraints in Multi-Cell MIMO Systems With Finite Buffers2021/03/011
Trajectory Optimization for UAV Emergency Communication With Limited User Equipment Energy: A Safe-DQN Approach2021/09/011
Receiver-Initiated Data Collection in Wake-Up Radio Enabled mIoT Networks: Achieving Collision-Free Transmissions by Hashing and Partitioning2021/06/011
Efficient Allocation of Harvested Energy at the Edge by Building a Tangible Micro-Grid—The Texas Case2021/03/011
A Circuit for Simultaneous Reception of Data and Power Using a Solar Cell2021/12/011
Task Selection and Collision-Free Route Planning for Mobile Crowdsensing Using Multi-Population Mean-Field Games2021/12/011
Optimal Radius for Enhanced Lifetime in IoT Using Hybridization of Rider and Grey Wolf Optimization2021/06/011
An Energy-Efficient In-Network Computing Paradigm for 6G2021/12/011
Energy-Efficient UAV Assisted Secure Relay Transmission via Cooperative Computation Offloading2021/12/011
Heterogeneous Mobile Networking for Lightweight UAV Assisted Emergency Communication2021/09/011
UV-CDS: An Energy-Efficient Scheduling of UAVs for Premises Sterilization2021/09/011
UEE-RPL: A UAV-Based Energy Efficient Routing for Internet of Things2021/09/011
Cooperative Beamforming and Jamming for Secure VLC System in the Presence of Active and Passive Eavesdroppers2021/12/011
A 193-nW Wake-Up Receiver Achieving −84.5-dBm Sensitivity for Green Wireless Communications2022/03/011
Energy-Efficient Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Delay-Constrained Edge-Cloud Computing Networks2024/03/011