Women's Studies International Forum

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Transforming retirement: Re-thinking models of retirement to accommodate the experiences of women2007/11/01English31
‘I'm totally smart and a feminist…and yet I want to be a waif’: Exploring ambivalence towards the thin ideal within the fat acceptance movement2012/11/01English31
Saving and reproducing the nation: Struggles around right-wing politics of social reproduction, gender and race in austerity Europe2018/05/01English31
Being large-breasted: women negotiating embodiment2003/09/01English30
Being a ‘real’ mum: Motherhood through donated eggs and embryos2008/07/01English30
The queer disappearance of lesbians1994/09/01English30
Academic women with migrant background in the global knowledge economy: Bodies, hierarchies and resistance2013/01/01English30
The trouble with trafficking: Conceptualizing women's sexual labor and economic human rights2009/07/01English29
Reconstructing gender empowerment2010/05/01English29
Veiled Europeanisation of welfare state in Turkey: Gender and social policy in the 2000s2013/11/01English29
The death of machothink: Feminist research and the transformation of peace studies1984/01/01English29
The image of women's studies1983/01/01English29
Liberating voices: the political implications of palestinian mothers narrating their loss2003/09/01English29
Back to the future: Feminist theory, activism, and doing feminist research in an age of globalization2010/09/01English29
Safety for whom? Exploring femonationalism and care-racism in Sweden2018/05/01English29
Dancing to different tunes: Performance and activism among migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong2010/09/01English28
Barriers to healthcare among Muslim women: A narrative review of the literature2018/07/01English28
“I'd be just as happy with a cup of tea”: Women's accounts of sex and affection in long-term heterosexual relationships2012/03/01English28
Innovation and the entrepreneurial performance in women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in Pakistan2020/03/01English28
‘Women want it’: In-vitro fertilization and women's motivations for participation1985/01/01English28
Japanese women studying abroad, the case of the United States2004/06/01English28
‘I don't know why’ — Accounting for the scarcity of women in ICT work2007/11/01English28
Bride-price and its links to domestic violence and poverty in Uganda: A participatory action research study2011/11/01English28
Doing pregnancy: pregnant embodiment as performance2012/09/01English28
Sweden's prohibition of purchase of sex: The law's reasons, impact, and potential2011/09/01English27
Learning masculinities and femininities: power/knowledge and legitimate peripheral participation2003/11/01English27
Mothering, human capital, and the “ideal immigrant”2004/01/01English27
“Why doesn't she just leave?”: Belonging, disruption and domestic violence2008/01/01English27
Parenting support: Another gender-related policy illusion in Europe?2013/11/01English27
Telling the difficult things: Creating spaces for disclosure, rapport and ‘collusion’ in qualitative interviews2017/03/01English27