Women's Studies International Forum

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The ideology of choice. Overstating progress and hiding injustice in the lives of young women: Findings from a study in North Queensland, Australia2008/01/01English72
Listening to the voices of hijab2006/01/01English70
The good, the bad and the ‘good enough’ mother on the UK parenting forum Mumsnet2016/11/01English69
Enduring themes and silences in media portrayals of violence against women2015/01/01English68
Women negotiating heterosex1990/01/01English66
What factors explain women's empowerment? Decision-making among small-scale farmers in Uganda2018/11/01English65
The honour/shame complex revisited: violence against women in the migration context2003/09/01English64
Mutual corporeality: Gender and human/horse relationships2009/05/01English62
“There is nothing ‘honourable’ about honour killings”: Gender, violence and the limits of multiculturalism2007/05/01English60
Violence, control, romance and gender equality: Young women and heterosexual relationships2005/11/01English60
Mothers with attitude — How the Mumsnet parenting forum offers space for new forms of femininity to emerge online2013/05/01English59
Sex research and the construction of sexuality: A tool of male supremacy?1984/01/01English59
Men's stranger intrusions: Rethinking street harassment2016/09/01English58
Blame allocation, sex and gender in a murder interrogation1984/01/01English57
Female entrepreneurship in the United Arab Emirates: Legislative encouragements and cultural constraints2011/07/01English56
‘Family values’ and Islamic revival: Gender, rights and state moral projects in Malaysia2006/07/01English55
Mother or not, mother or what?1994/09/01English55
Divergent development, racialised rights: globalised labour markets and the trade of nurses—The case of the Philippines2004/06/01English54
Cultural capitalists and academic habitus: Classed and gendered labour in UK higher education2004/01/01English54
On the battlefield of women's bodies: An overview of the harm of war to women2004/11/01English54
A fine balance: Women, work and skilled migration2010/09/01English52
Gender quotas, democracy, and women's representation in Africa: Some insights from democratic Botswana and autocratic Rwanda2013/11/01English52
Muslim women's new defenders: Women's rights, nationalism and Islamophobia in contemporary Australia2007/07/01English52
Water and waste management in the Moroccan tourism industry: The case of three women entrepreneurs2012/09/01English50
Visible lesbians and invisible bisexuals: Appearance and visual identities among bisexual women2013/09/01English47
“You don't train for a marathon sitting on the couch”: Performances of pregnancy ‘fitness’ and ‘good’ motherhood in Melbourne, Australia2011/01/01English47
Speaking about rape is everyone's business1989/01/01English47
Hidden transcripts: The micropolitics of gender in Commonwealth universities2006/11/01English46
Undone business: Examining the production of academic labour2005/01/01English45
Gender, identity and experience: Researching marginalised groups2010/05/01English45