IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multi-View Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks With Domain Generalization for Sleep Stage Classification2021/01/0117
Seizure Classification From EEG Signals Using Transfer Learning, Semi-Supervised Learning and TSK Fuzzy System2017/12/0116
The BCI competition III: validating alternative approaches to actual BCI problems2006/06/0116
Simulations of foot stability during gait characteristic of ankle dorsiflexor weakness in the elderly2001/12/0116
How many people are able to operate an EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI)?2003/06/0115
Robot Assisted Gait Training With Active Leg Exoskeleton (ALEX)2009/02/0112
DeepSleepNet: A Model for Automatic Sleep Stage Scoring Based on Raw Single-Channel EEG2017/11/0112
Finite element modeling of electromagnetic signal propagation in a phantom arm2001/12/0112
Effect of initial joint position on nerve-cuff recordings of muscle afferents in rabbits2001/09/0111
Improving the Performance Against Force Variation of EMG Controlled Multifunctional Upper-Limb Prostheses for Transradial Amputees2016/06/0111
Surgical rehabilitation of the planovalgus foot in cerebral palsy2001/06/0110
Patient-cooperative strategies for robot-aided treadmill training: first experimental results2005/09/0110
Fuzzy-control of a hand orthosis for restoring tip pinch, lateral pinch, and cylindrical prehensions to patients with elbow flexion intact2001/06/0110
A CNN-Based Method for Intent Recognition Using Inertial Measurement Units and Intelligent Lower Limb Prosthesis2019/05/0110
A Deep Learning Scheme for Motor Imagery Classification based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines2017/06/0110
Deep Learning for Electromyographic Hand Gesture Signal Classification Using Transfer Learning2019/04/019
A practical VEP-based brain-computer interface2006/06/019
Self-Paced Operation of an SSVEP-Based Orthosis With and Without an Imagery-Based “Brain Switch:” A Feasibility Study Towards a Hybrid BCI2010/08/019
A fuzzy rule-based approach to recognizing 3-D arm movements2001/06/019
Modeling the postural disturbances caused by upper extremity movements2001/06/019
State of the Art and Future Directions for Lower Limb Robotic Exoskeletons2017/02/019
System for assisted mobility using eye movements based on electrooculography2002/12/019
Determining the Optimal Window Length for Pattern Recognition-Based Myoelectric Control: Balancing the Competing Effects of Classification Error and Controller Delay2011/04/018
Compensation of hand movement for patients by assistant force: relationship between human hand movement and robot arm motion2001/09/018
Adaptive control of a variable-impedance ankle-foot orthosis to assist drop-foot gait2004/03/018
The Optimal Controller Delay for Myoelectric Prostheses2007/03/018
Non-Invasive, Temporally Discrete Feedback of Object Contact and Release Improves Grasp Control of Closed-Loop Myoelectric Transradial Prostheses2016/12/018
Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signals Using a Unified Temporal-Spectral Squeeze-and-Excitation Network2020/04/018
A Hybrid Brain–Computer Interface Based on the Fusion of P300 and SSVEP Scores2015/07/018
Control of Upper Limb Prostheses: Terminology and Proportional Myoelectric Control—A Review2012/09/018