IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Muscle Synergy-Based Functional Electrical Stimulation Reduces Muscular Fatigue in Post-Stroke Patients: A Systematic Comparison2023/01/01
2022 List of Reviewers2022/01/01
Improving Performance of Motor Imagery-Based Brain–Computer Interface in Poorly Performing Subjects Using a Hybrid-Imagery Method Utilizing Combined Motor and Somatosensory Activity2023/01/01
Automatic Epileptic Tissue Localization Through Spatial Pattern Clustering of High Frequency Activity2023/01/01
Corrections to “Identification of the General Anesthesia Induced Loss of Consciousness by Cross Fuzzy Entropy-Based Brain Network”2022/01/01
Reduce the User Burden of Multiuser Myoelectric Interface via Few-Shot Domain Adaptation2023/01/01
A Fully Implantable and Programmable Epidural Spinal Cord Stimulation System for Rats With Spinal Cord Injury2023/01/01
Effect of Acupuncture Treatment on Cortical Activation in Patients With Tinnitus: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study2023/01/01
Restoring Voluntary Bimanual Activities of Patients With Chronic Hemiparesis Through a Foot-Controlled Hand/Forearm Exoskeleton2023/01/01
Bilateral Leg Stepping Coherence as a Predictor of Freezing of Gait in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease Walking With Wearable Sensors2023/01/01
Classification of Motor-Imagery Tasks Using a Large EEG Dataset by Fusing Classifiers Learning on Wavelet-Scattering Features2023/01/01
A Novel SSVEP Brain-Computer Interface System Based on Simultaneous Modulation of Luminance and Motion2023/01/01
Neuronal Correlates of Task Irrelevant Distractions Enhance the Detection of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder2023/01/01
Double Stage Transfer Learning for Brain–Computer Interfaces2023/01/01
Improved Domain Adaptation Network Based on Wasserstein Distance for Motor Imagery EEG Classification2023/01/01
EMG Probability Density Function: A New Way to Look at EMG Signal Filling From Single Motor Unit Potential to Full Interference Pattern2023/01/01
Using Features Extracted From Upper Limb Reaching Tasks to Detect Parkinson’s Disease by Means of Machine Learning Models2023/01/01
Detection of Brain Abnormalities in Parkinson’s Rats by Combining Deep Learning and Motion Tracking2023/01/01
Non-Intrusive Real Time Eye Tracking Using Facial Alignment for Assistive Technologies2023/01/01
Stiffness Optimal Modulation of a Variable Stiffness Energy Storage Hip Exoskeleton and Experiments on Its Assistance Effect2023/01/01
Simplifying Multimodal With Single EOG Modality for Automatic Sleep Staging2024/01/01
Resist-as-needed ADL Training with SPINLDE for Patients with Tremor2024/01/01
Multi-Scale Masked Autoencoders for Cross-Session Emotion Recognition2024/01/01
Muscle Synergy Plasticity in Motor Function Recovery After Stroke2024/01/01
A Siamese Convolutional Neural Network for Identifying mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Predicting Recovery2024/01/01
A Subject-Specific Attention Index Based on the Weighted Spectral Power2024/01/01
Alignment-Based Adversarial Training (ABAT) for Improving the Robustness and Accuracy of EEG-Based BCIs2024/01/01
E-BabyNet: Enhanced Action Recognition of Infant Reaching in Unconstrained Environments2024/01/01
BlazePose-Seq2Seq: Leveraging Regular RGB Cameras for Robust Gait Assessment2024/01/01
Improving SSVEP-BCI Performance Through Repetitive Anodal tDCS-Based Neuromodulation: Insights From Fractal EEG and Brain Functional Connectivity2024/01/01