Nature Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A multilayer superconductor acts as an interdependent network2023/05/01English
The data behind the mask2023/05/01English
Racial biases2023/05/01English
Comic-ally chaotic colleagues2023/05/01English
Band build-up2023/05/01English
Measured expectations2023/05/01English
Superconducting stripes induced by ferromagnetic proximity in an oxide heterostructure2024/03/11English
Demonstration and imaging of cryogenic magneto-thermoelectric cooling in a van der Waals semimetal2024/03/08English
Terahertz magnon algebra2024/03/07English
Deterministic generation of multidimensional photonic cluster states with a single quantum emitter2024/02/28English
Topological lasing demonstrated in the mode-locked regime2024/03/07English
Graph states of atomic ensembles engineered by photon-mediated entanglement2024/03/01English
Attosecond metrology of the two-dimensional charge distribution in molecules2024/02/23English
At the breaking point2024/04/04English
Leggett modes in a Dirac semimetal2024/04/04English
Topological Kerr effects in two-dimensional magnets with broken inversion symmetry2024/04/04English
Emergence of large-scale mechanical spiral waves in bacterial living matter2024/04/04English
Distinct elastic properties and their origins in glasses and gels2024/04/12English
Nonlinearity-induced topological phase transition characterized by the nonlinear Chern number2024/04/11English
Magnetically tunable supercurrent in dilute magnetic topological insulator-based Josephson junctions2024/04/01English
Multistep topological transitions among meron and skyrmion crystals in a centrosymmetric magnet2024/04/01English
Between pattern and chaos2024/04/01English
Search for rule-breaking electrons2024/04/11English
All-optical seeding of a light-induced phase transition with correlated disorder2024/04/11English
Observation of the 2D–1D crossover in strongly interacting ultracold bosons2024/04/09English
Discrete nonlinear topological photonics2024/04/09English
A call for responsible quantum technology2024/04/01English
Photon bunching two by two2009/04/01English
Cell biology through the macroscopic lens2023/12/01English
On the wings of a butterfly2023/12/01English