Underground Space

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Experimental and numerical studies of the blast-induced overbreak and underbreak in underground roadways2023/02/01English22
3D finite element modelling optimization for deep tunnels with material nonlinearity2018/06/01English22
Application of the finite element method for evaluating the stress distribution in buried damaged polyethylene gas pipes2019/03/01English22
Numerical analysis and capacity evaluation of composite sprayed concrete lined tunnels2018/06/01English21
Comparison of rectangular and circular bored twin tunnels in weak ground2019/12/01English21
Effects of jet grouting slabs on responses for deep braced excavations2021/04/01English21
Large deformations in deep tunnels excavated in weak rocks: Study on Y-Basque high-speed railway tunnels in northern Spain2021/12/01English21
Estimation of failure probability in braced excavation using Bayesian networks with integrated model updating2020/12/01English21
Influence of permeability anisotropy of seepage flow on the tunnel face stability2023/02/01English21
Estimation of hydraulic parameters from pumping tests in a multiaquifer system2020/09/01English21
Longitudinal mechanical response of tunnels under active normal faulting2022/08/01English21
Prediction of interfaces of geological formations using the multivariate adaptive regression spline method2021/06/01English20
Automatic tunnel lining crack detection via deep learning with generative adversarial network-based data augmentation2023/04/01English20
Numerical investigations on the seismic response of a subway tunnel embedded in spatially random clays2020/03/01English20
3D reconstruction and automatic leakage defect quantification of metro tunnel based on SfM-Deep learning method2022/06/01English20
Effects of soil spatial variability on structural reliability assessment in excavations2020/03/01English19
Artificial neural network with a cross-validation approach to blast-induced ground vibration propagation modeling2021/06/01English19
Uncertainty quantification and reduction in the characterization of subsurface stratigraphy using limited geotechnical investigation data2020/06/01English19
Interpretation of pipe-jacking and lubrication records for drives in silty soil2020/09/01English19
Response of operating metro tunnels to compensation grouting of an underlying large-diameter shield tunnel: A case study in Hangzhou2022/04/01English19
Surface settlements induced by twin tunneling in silty sand2022/02/01English19
Centrifuge modeling of tunneling-induced ground surface settlement in sand2019/12/01English19
Groundwater-related aspects during the development of deep excavations below the water table: A short review2021/02/01English18
Impact of seismic design on tunnels in rock – Case histories2017/06/01English18
Analysis of jacking forces during pipe jacking in granular materials using particle methods2019/12/01English18
Spatial distribution model of the filling and diffusion pressure of synchronous grouting in a quasi-rectangular shield and its experimental verification2021/12/01English18
Multi-objective optimization-based prediction of excavation-induced tunnel displacement2022/10/01English18
Effect of loading direction on interaction of two pre-existing open and closed flaws in a rock-like brittle material2020/09/01English18
Undrained stability of active trapdoors in two-layered clays2021/08/01English17
Effect of constructing twin tunnels under a building supported by pile foundations in the Sydney central business district2019/12/01English17