Indian Journal of Community Medicine

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How to Effectively Monitor and Evaluate NCD Programmes in India2011/01/01English16
India′s progress toward achieving the millennium development goals2011/01/01English15
Effectiveness and feasibility of weekly iron and folic acid supplementation to adolescent girls and boys through peer educators at community level in the tribal area of Gujarat2016/01/01English15
School-based intervention to promote healthy lifestyles in Sousse, Tunisia2010/01/01English15
Epidemic investigation of the jaundice outbreak in Girdharnagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, 20082010/01/01English15
Urbanization and health challenges: Need to fast track launch of the national urban health mission2011/01/01English15
Taken to health care provider or not, under-five children die of preventable causes: Findings from cross-sectional survey and social autopsy in Rural India2016/01/01English15
Patterns of use and perceptions of harm of smokeless tobacco in Navi Mumbai, India and Dhaka, Bangladesh2016/01/01English14
Vaginal discharge: Its causes and associated symptoms as perceived by rural north Indian women2007/01/01English14
A community-based cervical cancer screening program among women of Delhi using camp approach2010/01/01English14
Isolated systolic hypertension and its determinants - A cross-sectional study in the adult population of Lucknow district in North India2010/01/01English14
Mobile health clinics: Meeting health needs of the urban underserved2013/01/01English14
Summer temperature and spatial variability of all-cause mortality in Surat city, India2017/01/01English14
Is focus on prevention missing in national health programs? A situation analysis of IEC/BCC/Health promotion activities in a district setting of Punjab and Haryana2017/01/01English14
Persistence of diphtheria in India2011/01/01English14
Surrogacy: Ethical and Legal Issues2012/01/01English14
Prevalence of Goiter in rural area of Belgaum district, Karnataka2009/01/01English14
Prevalence and risk factors of abuse among community dwelling elderly of Guwahati City, Assam2015/01/01English14
Is myopia a public health problem in India?2013/01/01English14
Clinical-Epidemiological Profile of Influenza A H1N1 Cases at a Tertiary Care Institute of India2012/01/01English13
A study of the swine flu (H1N1) epidemic among health care providers of a medical college hospital of Delhi2011/01/01English13
Investigation of an outbreak of diphtheria in Borborooah block of Dibrugarh district, Assam2010/01/01English13
Socio-cultural and knowledge-based barriers to tuberculosis diagnosis for women in Bhopal, India2016/01/01English13
Migrants to urban India: Need for public health action2014/01/01English13
A study of awareness about HIV/AIDS among senior secondary school children of Delhi2008/01/01English13
Study of childhood obesity among school children aged 6 to 12 years in union territory of Puducherry2011/01/01English13
Postpartum blue is common in socially and economically insecure mothers2011/01/01English13
Social Audits for Community Action: A tool to Initiate Community Action for Reducing Child Mortality2005/01/01English13
Prevalence of RTIs among women of reproductive age group in Shimla city2006/01/01English13
Sex selection through traditional drugs in rural north India2007/01/01English13