Decision Support Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Combining belief functions based on distance of evidence2004/12/01English323
Consensus models for AHP group decision making under row geometric mean prioritization method2010/06/01English317
Consensus model for multi-criteria large-group emergency decision making considering non-cooperative behaviors and minority opinions2015/11/01English314
Group decision support with the Analytic Hierarchy Process1992/04/01English303
Virtual communities: A marketing perspective2009/06/01English295
Predicting consumer decisions to adopt mobile commerce: Cross country empirical examination between China and Malaysia2012/04/01English290
Financial time series forecasting using independent component analysis and support vector regression2009/05/01English289
Consumer behavior in social commerce: A literature review2016/06/01English287
Consumers' decisions in social commerce context: An empirical investigation2015/11/01English274
Predicting crime using Twitter and kernel density estimation2014/05/01English273
Data mining for credit card fraud: A comparative study2011/02/01English270
A theoretical model of intentional social action in online social networks2010/04/01English270
Manipulation of online reviews: An analysis of ratings, readability, and sentiments2012/02/01English270
A data-driven approach to predict the success of bank telemarketing2014/06/01English270
The impact of social and conventional media on firm equity value: A sentiment analysis approach2013/11/01English268
Understanding the determinants of online review helpfulness: A meta-analytic investigation2017/10/01English267
The technology and economic determinants of cryptocurrency exchange rates: The case of Bitcoin2017/03/01English263
The PROMCALC & GAIA decision support system for multicriteria decision aid1994/11/01English261
Sales forecasting using extreme learning machine with applications in fashion retailing2008/12/01English256
What drives continued knowledge sharing? An investigation of knowledge-contribution and -seeking beliefs2009/03/01English256
The impacts of information quality and system quality on users' continuance intention in information-exchange virtual communities: An empirical investigation2013/12/01English253
Enhancing perceived interactivity through network externalities: An empirical study on micro-blogging service satisfaction and continuance intention2012/11/01English250
Ratings lead you to the product, reviews help you clinch it? The mediating role of online review sentiments on product sales2014/01/01English249
Integrating experts' weights generated dynamically into the consensus reaching process and its applications in managing non-cooperative behaviors2016/04/01English245
Studying users' computer security behavior: A health belief perspective2009/03/01English245
IT as enabler of sustainable farming: An empirical analysis of farmers' adoption decision of precision agriculture technology2012/12/01English245
Multi-criteria group consensus under linear cost opinion elasticity2007/04/01English239
Website attributes in urging online impulse purchase: An empirical investigation on consumer perceptions2013/06/01English238
The adoption of mobile healthcare by hospital's professionals: An integrative perspective2011/06/01English237
Opportunities and risks of software-as-a-service: Findings from a survey of IT executives2011/12/01English236