Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effects of treadmill running on mid-term memory and swim speed in the rat with Morris water maze test2008/01/01English36
The effects of 12 weeks Pilates-inspired exercise training on functional performance in older women: A randomized clinical trial2017/04/01English36
Neuromuscular contributions to functional instability of the ankle joint2007/07/01English36
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of foam rolling on range of motion, recovery and markers of athletic performance2020/07/01English35
Application of rehabilitative ultrasound in the assessment of low back pain: A literature review2011/10/01English35
Effect of yoga on the menstrual pain, physical fitness, and quality of life of young women with primary dysmenorrhea2017/10/01English35
Treating patellar tendinopathy with Fascial Manipulation2009/01/01English35
Compliance of patients wearing an orthotic device or orthopedic shoes: A systematic review2015/10/01English34
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Benefits from Tai Chi2001/04/01English34
A myofascial component of pain in knee osteoarthritis2017/07/01English34
Comparison of acute effects of superficial and deep dry needling into trigger points of suboccipital and upper trapezius muscles in patients with cervicogenic headache2017/10/01English34
Timed Up and Go evaluation with wearable devices: Validation in Parkinson's disease2018/04/01English34
Leukemia immune changes following massage therapy2001/10/01English34
Therapeutic effects of traditional Thai massage on pain, muscle tension and anxiety in patients with scapulocostal syndrome: A randomized single-blinded pilot study2012/01/01English34
Inter-tester reliability of a self-monitored active knee extension test2005/10/01English34
Comparative analysis of ultrasound changes in the vastus lateralis muscle following myofascial release and thermotherapy: A pilot study2015/04/01English34
The effect of aerobic exercise on immune biomarkers and symptoms severity and progression in patients with COVID-19: A randomized control trial2021/10/01English33
Effects of traditional Thai massage versus joint mobilization on substance P and pain perception in patients with non-specific low back pain2007/01/01English33
Relationship between hand-grip isometric strength and isokinetic moment data of the shoulder stabilisers2010/01/01English33
Effectiveness of neural mobilization in patients with spinal radiculopathy: A critical review2015/04/01English33
Rehabilitation of an osteochondral fracture using blood flow restricted exercise: A case review2013/01/01English33
Effects of Qigong practice in office workers with chronic non-specific low back pain: A randomized control trial2019/04/01English33
Acute effects of Surya Namaskar on the cardiovascular & metabolic system2011/07/01English33
How much time is required to modify a fascial fibrosis?2010/10/01English33
The effect of myofascial release (MFR) on an adult with idiopathic scoliosis2008/10/01English32
Effect of spinal stabilization exercise on dynamic postural control and visual dependency in subjects with chronic non-specific low back pain2016/04/01English32
Comparison of Brunnstrom movement therapy and motor relearning program in rehabilitation of post-stroke hemiparetic hand: A randomized trial2012/07/01English32
The need for lumbar–pelvic assessment in the resolution of chronic hamstring strain2010/07/01English32
The assessment of the cervical spine. Part 2: Strength and endurance/fatigue2011/10/01English32
Post-needling soreness after myofascial trigger point dry needling: Current status and future research2018/10/01English32